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Friday, December 04, 2015

‘How would I forgive a hubby that wished me dead!’(3)

This is the conclusion of Adolphus and Lurencia’s story started penultimate week.

“After the prayer, my pastor said that something strange would happen soon. He told me that my problem was over and honestly I felt great relief. The blood issue I was having dried up, I felt it and I started regaining my strength. I stopped taking my drugs which were not even effective in the first place,” she stressed.

Two days after the sand prayers with the pastor, Adolphus came home from office with some shocking news. He said he had a call when he was in his office from a relative who told him that his father’s first wife had been acting funny of late. That she had been seeing some apparitions. And that she pleaded for Adolphus to come with his wife. “My husband ignored the message because the woman’s sons were up and doing. He wondered what his coming home with me would do for her. So, we all ignored the message until the first son of the woman put a call to my husband. He pleaded with him to please come home with me that his mother had refused to be at rest for close to a month now and had been pleading that she needed to see me in particular. That was when I decided to go with my husband. My mother and younger sister said I shouldn’t go. Rosa narrated what she suffered when I was down. According to her she thought I would die. And that each time she was coming home from market or anywhere, she would stretch her ears to hear a shout of cry from my house. That the day she nearly fainted out of fear was when she was coming back home one day and she heard the cry of our mother right from my gate. That she concluded I was gone. She ran upstairs into my room only to discover that mama was crying because the bleeding had persisted heavily. So, they (my mother and Rosa) both insisted I shouldn’t go to the village though I was strong enough to travel. Just within two weeks, I had regained myself. I was miraculously recovering very fast, honestly. Though I was still slim, but I was no longer frail,” she said.
It was when Lurrencia’s pastor gave a nod to her trip that she eventually traveled with her husband. Her pastor told her that the battle was over and that God had delivered her. “Hence we set off and got to Uturu after seven hours drive. Adolphus drove and when his phones beeped, I was the one that picked his calls. When Naomi’s call came, I saw that my husband saved her number as Bestie meaning his best friend. When I answered, she requested I give the phone to my husband, I told her he was driving and wouldn’t be able to speak to her at that moment for safety reasons. But I didn’t finish speaking with her when my husband took his phone from me and spoke to her lovingly. Assured her he would be back in two days’ time and that he should take care of his office.
“I didn’t like when he told her he loved her on the phone not caring I was there with him in his car. I didn’t say anything but my countenance changed. I decided not to respond nor contribute to his discussions,” she said.
When the silence lingered on for up to two hours, Adolphus needed to break it. “Laura, you have been cold to me since I spoke with Naomi on the phone. That young lady had been very resourceful to me. I just would like it if you would accept her as a friend,”
“A friend?” Lurrencia cut in. “You want me to accept someone who had been sleeping with my husband as a friend? Someone who wished me dead? You both thought I would die, so that she would come in and take over? Huh Adol? You should have allowed me die first before getting someone to succeed me. God saved me from the wicked hands of death because I even thought I would die, but God saved me,” she said, tears dribbling down her cheeks.
Adolphus allowed her to cry to satisfaction. It wasn’t long another call came. It was her daughter calling from university where she was studying medicine. “Mummy, you agreed to travel?”
“Yes dear, I’m strong enough. It’s only that I have not regained my weight but I’m strong. I still have my blood tablets in my bag. I would give you a call when we get to village. Your father would have loved to speak with you but he is driving,” she said, and hung up.
When they got to village, they were surprised to see that the five sons of Adolphus’ step mother were in their mother’s bedroom waiting for them. “When we walked in, they welcomed us and when the woman turned and saw us, she hissed and started making some shocking confessions unceremoniously. She spoke and her voice sounded like radio that waited for no question. She confessed on how she made Adolphus’ mother barren after she had Adolphus. How she blocked her womb and the woman started having issue of blood. She died six years later leaving Adolphus whom she made sure didn’t go beyond primary school. When my husband heard that, his eyes became red and was seriously angry. Then she turned her neck to me and my heart skipped. She then said that when I came into Adolphus life as his wife, she knew I was going to be his light and she didn’t want that. That she was surprised how I managed to bear two more children after my first child. That  when she came to my house in Lagos for ‘Omugwo’ when I delivered my first child, she picked my used sanitary towel from my trash can and came home with it and did some fetish things on it to block my womb. And that when I had two more children after the first one, she was shocked and wondered why my womb wasn’t blocked. But that the issue of blood I had for one year was the efficacy of what she did. She pleaded for forgiveness and then breathed her last,” she said.
Adolphus and Larrencia left the compound, and slept in a hotel in Okigwe town. The next morning, they drove back to Lagos. “While we were coming home, my husband didn’t allow me to digest the shocking news his step mother fed me with before he too started his own confession. Just because I pleaded with him to forgive his step mother that God had vindicated us. And that if we decide not to forgive her after her confession, it would be a sin on our own part. That was when he then told me that Naomi was pregnant for him and he would have her married as the second wife. And that I should also forgive him so that it would not be a sin on my own part. That we should heap the blame on his step mother. At that, I was devastated,” she bemoaned.
Lurrencia had been wondering how she would “forgive a husband who thought I would die, who impregnated his secretary thinking that when I die, she would quickly move in. This is too much for me. I think I need some counseling,” she said, in an emotion laden voice.
Readers, come to her aid. Advise her wisely.

Re: ‘How would I forgive a hubby that wished me dead!’

Dear  Lurencia,

I keenly followed your interesting and pathetic story, how you married Adolphus, who could not have education above primary school, yet you studied Business Administration in the University and had a good job.  You had three children for him but suffered issue of blood from your cervix, which almost took your life.  Doctors prescriptions and medication could not bring healing, however your fervent faith and dedication to God, brought you permanent healing, which also led to your father's in-law first wife to make open confession that she was the cause of your ailment, killed Adolphus mother and made Adolphus not to go beyond Primary School.  This is bewitchment. It happened in the immemorial and prevalent today.

As you forgave the woman who caused you ailment after open confession, I advise that you also forgive your husband, who had confessed.  However, Naomi, his Secretary who got pregnant for him, should not pack in to live with you and your husband in the same house.  Your husband should get her an apartment elsewhere.  In addition fortify yourself and family with the Word of God.


If Adolphus your hubby still loves you, then his secretary should abort the baby or rent a house for her. But marriage is out of it.
Samuel from Ibadan

It is at this period of your life that you need to put your faith in God to test. You need marathon prayers for God’s divine mercy and favour so that God would complete what He has started in your life. Find a place in your heart to forgive him if he repentant and remorseful.
Apeji Pateince Eneyeme,

You endured so much from your hubby for no just cause. Adolpus has displayed impatience, which is men’s usual way of life with regards to polygamy. He couldn’t wait on God for the healing solution to such a spiritual problem. He acted unwisely. Please call your pastor’s attention to this without hesitation. Christian should have just one wife, no concubines. Cheating is a sin.
Apeji Onesi.

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