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Monday, November 18, 2013

Nollywood actress Uchenna Nnanna-Maduka relieves how she was beaten black and blue by mum when she was a child

As a child my mother used to beat me black and blue-Actress Uchenna Nnanna-Maduka By Adaeze Amos Nollywood screen diva Uchenna Nnanna-Maduka is a bundle of success. This actrsss who started acting some years ago has featured in so many movies. Our searchlight is beamed on her this week not because she just got married to her Spain- based heartrobe but her story on childhood is one intresting one you may like to read while you reminiscince on your own. If you still think you were the only person who was beaten up by your mother at the slightest provocation, then this Uchenna's story would make an interesting read. Hear her: As a child, I dared not fight. And if I misbehaved, my mother would beat me up. It is not these days that parents don't beat their children. Mine was not like that. I received a lot of beatings from my mother (giggles). Yes my mother used to beat me so much because I used to be a very stubborn child. And my mother's beatings really helped me a lot. The beatings my mother gave me when I was growing up helped to mould me well. So, because of her beatings, I wouldn't have to mess up because I knew what would befall me from my mother. For that reason, I'm always on guard; because my mother would beat me not just ordinary beating, but she would do so with everything she laid her hands on. She would flog me with a cane, flog me with leather belt, beat me with her shoes or anything she would lay her hands on. That was my mother for you. I could say my mother's strict nature and disciplinarian attitude helped to bring me up well and made me who I am today. My mother is my role model any day and any time. She is a wonderful woman. She prayed for her children. I could remember those nights my sibblings and I would be sleeping and my poor mother would keep vigil praying for her children. My success today is the fruit of my mother's prayers when I was much younger. I do remember when I was in secondary school and we were given mid- term break, when other cildren would be jumping up, jubilating for going home on break, I would not jump, I would not jubilate because I would be scared of going home to face my strict mother. I was one of those kids that never wished to go home when our school was on vacation. Because I knew that once I came back to the house, I must do something that would annoy my mother and once I step on her toes, I would be beaten mercilessly. At a time, I was wondering if she was indeed my mother. Because if she was my mother, how could she be beating me up like that. That was what I wondered about then. Yes at a point I was really thinking if she was actually my true mother. But she was. She was just trying to mould me, she was just trying to make me know what I was supposed to know. Thank you mum," she said on a final note.

Graces' Hats secret tip for her youthful look

Secret of Chito Mark's youthful look at over 50 By Adaeze Amos Chito Mark fondly known as Graces' Hats, a seasoned milliner (hat maker) in Lagos, that makes hats for the high and mighty and those who may not be fashionistas but want to look good and standout in their styles. Remember her? She has been in the hat world for 34 years and amazingly she didn't learn how to make hat from anybody or anywhere. According to her, hat making is her own calling, her own ministry, a talent from God. Little wonder she gets better and better in her designs on a daily basis Did you say what about her? Well there is a lot about her. This lady who clocked 50 some two years ago still looks as youthful as ladies in their 30s and she keeps getting compliments on her looks She unveiled to Adaeze Amos recently in her hat palace somewhere in Toyin street, Ikeja the secret of her looks. Just as the popular cliche that says behind every successful man is a good woman, likewise behind every youthful look, is a secret.. Guess her secret? " I don't joke with my holy communion which I take every week. Yes, I take the blood of Jesus and His flesh which he said in the Bible that we should, be doing In remembrance of him. This is my little secret of my good looks. And people have been telling me that I look very good for my age. This honestly has been working for me," she says.

Secret of Chito Mark's (Graces' Hats) youthful look

Secret of Chito Mark's youthful look at over 50 By Adaeze Amos Chito Mark fondly known as Graces' Hats, a seasoned milliner (hat maker) in Lagos, that makes hats for the high and mighty and those who may not be fashionistas but want to look good and standout in their styles. Remember her? She has been in the hat world for 34 years and amazingly she didn't learn how to make hat from anybody or anywhere. According to her, hat making is her own calling, her own ministry, a talent from God. Little wonder she gets better and better in her designs on a daily basis Did you say what about her? Well there is a lot about her. This lady who clocked 50 some two years ago still looks as youthful as ladies in their 30s and she keeps getting compliments on her looks She unveiled to Adaeze Amos recently in her hat palace somewhere in Toyin street, Ikeja the secret of her looks. Just as the popular cliche that says behind every successful man is a good woman, likewise behind every youthful look, is a secret.. Guess her secret? " I don't joke with my holy communion which I take every week. Yes, I take the blood of Jesus and His flesh which he said in the Bible that we should, be doing In remembrance of him. This is my little secret of my good looks. And people have been telling me that I look very good for my age. This honestly has been working for me," she says.