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Monday, November 18, 2013

Secret of Chito Mark's (Graces' Hats) youthful look

Secret of Chito Mark's youthful look at over 50 By Adaeze Amos Chito Mark fondly known as Graces' Hats, a seasoned milliner (hat maker) in Lagos, that makes hats for the high and mighty and those who may not be fashionistas but want to look good and standout in their styles. Remember her? She has been in the hat world for 34 years and amazingly she didn't learn how to make hat from anybody or anywhere. According to her, hat making is her own calling, her own ministry, a talent from God. Little wonder she gets better and better in her designs on a daily basis Did you say what about her? Well there is a lot about her. This lady who clocked 50 some two years ago still looks as youthful as ladies in their 30s and she keeps getting compliments on her looks She unveiled to Adaeze Amos recently in her hat palace somewhere in Toyin street, Ikeja the secret of her looks. Just as the popular cliche that says behind every successful man is a good woman, likewise behind every youthful look, is a secret.. Guess her secret? " I don't joke with my holy communion which I take every week. Yes, I take the blood of Jesus and His flesh which he said in the Bible that we should, be doing In remembrance of him. This is my little secret of my good looks. And people have been telling me that I look very good for my age. This honestly has been working for me," she says.

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