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Friday, November 15, 2013

..I'm busty hence I take my time to examine my boobs for any lump-foluke Daramola By Adaeze Amos Last month October was World's Breast Cancer month, remember? Little wonder Fashion Designers Association of Nigeria (FADAN) under the leadership of Funmi Ajila Ladipo, the president of the association together with some artistes and celebrities had an endurance trek from National Stadium, Surulere, to Ojuelegba also in Surulere just to remind women to be breast cancer aware. I remember very vividly that the slogan that very morning was: Are You Breast Cancer Aware? That was the very day our beautiful and busty actress Foluke Daramola, who participated in the walk explained how necessary it is for every woman to examine her boobs very well, for that would help to detect (early) any 'stranger' in the breast. Read her words: "Examine your boobs, it is very important. But it is a pity that a lot of women take this for granted believing that breast cancer is for the rich. Whereas it is for both the rich and the poor. Take your time to check your boobs because if any lump is detected early, it can easily be removed. There can be a remedy to it. That is why I practise what I preach, I examine my boobs, and I go to the hospital to check my boobs once in every other month. My gynecologist is a woman and she is more like my mother. So, I tell her most of the time to help me check. But I do it on my own every morning. I press at the side of my boobs to check if there is any form of lump around or liquid that comes out of my nipples. And because I happen to be on the busty side, I have to check my boobs for lump intermittently. I do it every now and then," she said. Good advice, isn't it? Have you examined your breasts this morning? Don't wait until it is too late. Also, this week is World's Diabetes Week, are you sugar level aware? Once you hit 40, you ought to be aware of your blood sugar level. There is power in being aware, power in knowledge or didn't the Bible say my people perish for lack of knowledge? Get to know your blood sugar level peeps. Thanks
..I'm busty hence I take my time to examine my boobs for any lump-foluke Daramola By Adaeze Amos Last month October was World's Breast Cancer month, remember? Little wonder Fashion Designers Association of Nigeria (FADAN) under the leadership of Funmi Ajila Ladipo, the president of the association together with some artistes and celebrities had an endurance trek from National Stadium, Surulere, to Ojuelegba also in Surulere just to remind women to be breast cancer aware. I remember very vividly that the slogan that very morning was: Are You Breast Cancer Aware? That was the very day our beautiful and busty actress Foluke Daramola, who participated in the walk explained how necessary it is for every woman to examine her boobs very well, for that would help to detect (early) any 'stranger' in the breast. Read her words: "Examine your boobs, it is very important. But it is a pity that a lot of women take this for granted believing that breast cancer is for the rich. Whereas it is for both the rich and the poor. Take your time to check your boobs because if any lump is detected early, it can easily be removed. There can be a remedy to it. That is why I practise what I preach, I examine my boobs, and I go to the hospital to check my boobs once in every other month. My gynecologist is a woman and she is more like my mother. So, I tell her most of the time to help me check. But I do it on my own every morning. I press at the side of my boobs to check if there is any form of lump around or liquid that comes out of my nipples. And because I happen to be on the busty side, I have to check my boobs for lump intermittently. I do it every now and then," she said. Good advice, isn't it? Have you examined your breasts this morning? Don't wait until it is too late. Also, this week is World's Diabetes Week, are you sugar level aware? Once you hit 40, you ought to be aware of your blood sugar level. There is power in being aware, power in knowledge or didn't the Bible say my people perish for lack of knowledge? Get to know your blood sugar level peeps. Thanks

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sexy Jelyon ready to release new single If you are a good fan of Juliet Obiageri fondly known as Jelyon then you will be happy to read this about her. She will soon pop up with a new single that will be hot, thrilling and entertaining to all folks irrespective of age and tribe. It is a song that cuts across all calibre of people with super lyrics and great message. Guess what? The song is all about the traffic situation of cities in Nigeria and the way out. Hold on for JELYON
Sexy Jelyon ready to release new single If you are a good fan of Juliet Obiageri fondly known as Jelyon then you will be happy to read this about her. She will soon pop up with a new single that will be hot, thrilling and entertaining to all folks irrespective of age and tribe. It is a song that cuts across all calibre of people with super lyrics and great message. Guess what? The song is all about the traffic situation of cities in Nigeria and the way out. Hold on for JELYON

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How I escaped being raped- Kaka Obi, Nollywood actress
By Adaeze Amos
Rape is one very wicked act no single woman, girl or lady would wish to experience. For some victims who couldn't stand the shame/ stigma opt for suicide and those who brave to live with the horrorfic experience do so having the memory etched at the back of their minds forever.
Kaka Obi, a TV personality, soap opera queen, super screen diva and a model who has featured in so many movies shared her experience on how she narrowly escaped being raped. She bared her mind not concealing anything. In an emotion-laden voice, she started thus:
"It was one very Sunday morning when I left my house for early morning mass. It was some minutes to 5am and I was residing in Ikeja GRA when this happened. When I left my house that morning, I never had any premonition about what was going to befall me. So when I dashed out wearing my Sunday best, I scurried off but suddenly right in the middle of a track road I saw some guys, like five in number. They were really big, far bigger than me. When they saw me and looked back and side ways to ensure nobody was following me, I knew it that I was in for a serious trouble. When I was about running, they bounced on me, one held me by my mouth so that I wouldn't scream while they carried me and headed into the bush straight to an uncompleted building. I desperately wanted to scream even as I wriggled /struggled to escape. But I couldn't because I was like a tiny prey in their hands and they were really huge. When we got to the uncompleted building, they dropped me and I wanted to shout, they covered my mouth and picked some sharp objects around and threatened to stab me to death if I should let out a cry. I held my peace and watched one of them zipping his trouser open while the rest who was waiting to take turns after him held sharp objects treathening to stab if I raise an alarm. It was at that time that a man appeared from nowhere and commanded them to release me. That was when the guy that was fumbling with his zipper lied that I was his girlfriend. I used that time to escape and ran as fast asn my little legs could carry me. I ran not minding that my blouse was torn. That was how God saved me from being raped. I had to park out from that neighbourhood for the fear of meeting those guys again," she said, on a final note.


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