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Saturday, October 31, 2015

I’m a true African queen with curves intact-Shelly Ogbise, Miss Curvy Culture

Queen Shelly
‘Grace of God singled  me out and gave me a crown’

Queen Shelly Ogbise from Bayelsa state  is a beauty queen. She is Miss Curvy Culture, 2015. Her duty starting from the night she was crowned is to promote rich Nigerian cultures and traditions  through her dress sense and pet project. In this exclusive interview with ADAEZE AMOS, this duchess of black beauty talks about her lifestyle and dress sense

 Description of herself:
I’m disciplined, principled, a go-getter, focused and  confident. I’m also beautiful, intelligent and  I have got the fear of God in me. I’m a daughter of Zion and God’s own image.

She is both brains and beauty:
Yes, I’m not only beautiful but also well-read. Meaning that I’m not an empty-headed queen.  I’m a graduate of Computer Science  from Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa state.

Never regretted being a plus-sized beauty:
No, I have never regretted ever being a plus-sized beauty because I’m not only beautiful but I have good  attitude and  great confidence in myself. Anywhere I go, I always stand out and make a statement both with my beauty and my intellgence.  And because I’m a true African queen with my curves intact, I always  stand out in the crowd. That’s what we African ladies are known for. So, I have never regretted my size for once.

 Miss Curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant  is unique:
Miss Curvy Nigeria is a beauty pageant for the thick, curvy and plus-size African woman. It is also a platform mapped out to promote true  African beauties  so that they would have a voice in the society.

Her beauty  crown is a dream come true:
I started nursing  my modelling and pageantry dreams ever since I was 18. Then, I watched Agbani Darego being crowned Miss World. I remember how thrilled I was watching her on TV being crowned. I believe it was at that moment that my interest in the beauty  industry developed. It was at that time I started wondering how to go about it  to achieve my dreams considering my size. Reason is that while growing up, there was nothing like plus-size beauty pageant. So, I thank June-July Marine Ventures in conjuction with Miss Curvy Nigeria that made  this dream of mine come through. What convinced me that I was going to win was the fact that I had all it takes to go for such a beauty pageant.

What gave her an edge over others:
The edge I had was God’s favour and grace. The grace of God singled  me out of the rest and gave me a crown.

Benefits of her crown and tenure:
First and foremost, I have a vision which is to institutionalise Nigerian’s culture and tradition . Then my mission is to intensify    things that would make Nigerians more patriotic and love for  our cultures and traditions. Know it that I’m a young lady, so anything that affects the youth and limits their potentials also affects me. I’m all about youth empowerment and child's rights. So, I want to use my platform as a beauty queen of culture to touch lives.  By donating provisional items and materials to various schools so as to facilitate better educational environment for our children to learn.

My pet project:
It is centred on boosting programms  that would secure lives of our children. I want to create a better Nigeria suitable  for investment which would  in-turn boost our economy. Then with regards to  Agriculture, I want to reach out to farmers by providing them with working tools to boost harvest.

How she felt on the night she was crowned:
Truly,  beauty crown on a lady’s head is a dream come through. Hmm tears of joy  rolled down my cheeks that night I was crowned, in fact, I was speechless  and overwhelming. It is a day I would never forget in a hurry because I knew my journey into the beauty world just started with that crown.

Changes of her lifestyle now that she is queen
(Smiles) Wow, a whole lot would change about me, my way of life,the way I interact with people would be better  because as a queen I have to live by example. I must be coordinated at all times.

Parts of her body she can flaunt:
To me, I believe a woman should be properly dressed. You don’t need to expose your body to be sexy and beautiful. So, I would flaunt my body while putting on fitted-clothes. Because with my clothes on, I’m still sexy. I don’t have to be nude or half-nude to be hot!

Reach out to plus-size ladies who lack confidence:
Sweethearts, you are beautiful the way you are and it doesn’t matter the colour of your skin, your body size and your height. The most important thing is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. So, be bold, strong and think less of what people would say.

Why she considers herself a fashionista:
My ability to understand my body structure, my flair for sweet colours and my ability to create a non-existing styles.

Fashion  item that forms a larger part of her wardrobe:
My shoes of course. I love shoes, I walk well in them and my confidence is boosted in good shoes.

Lesson life has taught her:
Life has taught me to aim at the best and never settle for the less

Life philosophy:
Flow with the river, just keep moving… you have got time until the river uintes with the ocean.

Craziest thing a male fan has done to her:
(Simes) Telling me they love me and proposing to me.

Plus-size Nigerian ladies she  admires
Wow!  I admire Tolu aka Toolz because she is a full-figured lady with confidence. Another lady I admire is Lepacious Bose. She is amazing. She is my mentor. Then I also admire Wanawana on Inspirational FM. She is a go-getter.

When going out for red carpet events:
When going for red carpet events I always bear in mind that I must be bold, fashionable and expressively outstanding.

Beauty routine:
 I avoid using chemicals on my face. I use dry potatoes as a facial mask on my face with white part of the egg not the yoke to make my skin flawless.  I use mild soap and honey to bath and by so doing, I glow all the time.
'I'm bold and confidence'

'Never regretted my size'
'My face is flawless'
'I'm curvy'


  1. Congrats Shelley. Remain positive,focus and humble as you walk through this part. God will grant you more success to come..

  2. Congrats Shelley. Remain positive,focus and humble as you walk through this part. God will grant you more success to come..

  3. Now this is what been a queen should be all about...... Congrats miss shelly

  4. you truly deserve the crown and more from life, starting point of success


  5. So sad you celebrate yourself as the queen which you are not,for your Info there is nothing like miss culture its just a scame JJ Played on your sorry ass and you know that for your sure. If like go her to room wash her udeies,gossip about other girls and help carry her bag or sleep with one of her favourite customers. Highest bider wins the crown,guess you need to learn that to add to your CV.
    You should have just stick to the crown you won in abuja,Rememeber ?
    Ma dear you are not any queen ooo,so stop deciving your self. Queen Ko,Miss culture Ni.
    I dont need to tell you any way,#MissCurvyIsAscam and you know it. You interview here is like the total opposite of your tears behind clossed doors.
    Pls stop calling your self a queen because your crown as queen from abuja has been given out to another queen who is street wiser more than you. So plssss ejorrrr i beg just keep it on the low,you are just embarrasing yourself.

  6. So sad you celebrate yourself as the queen which you are not,for your Info there is nothing like miss culture its just a scame JJ Played on your sorry ass and you know that for sure. If like go to her room wash her udeies,gossip about other girls and help carry her bag or sleep with one of her favourite customers. Highest bider wins the crown,guess you need to learn that to add to your CV.
    You should have just stick to the crown you won in abuja,Rememeber ?
    Ma dear you are not any queen ooo,so stop deciving your self. Queen Ko,Miss culture Ni.
    I dont need to tell you any way,#MissCurvyIsAscam and you know it. Your interview here is like the total opposite of your tears behind clossed doors.
    Pls stop calling your self a queen because your crown as a queen from abuja has been given out to another queen who is street wiser more than you. So plssss ejorrrr i beg just keep it on the low,you are just embarrasing yourself.

  7. My dear why sound bitter if u have issues with her settle it amicably and not make noise like a dog or a missing animal cause as far as we know as her fans and crew she deserves it and even better

  8. Annoyomous whats the bief you have with the queen , if u too wants to had to you profile or cv then you can go and stage and prove you worth , queen curvy culture you reign will be the best , we your fans love you and will surpport you on your pet project and God will see you through

  9. LOL >>>>>>>>> Like i said just keep it on the low,Person carry the crown no make noise reach meanin empty barrel makes the loudest noise. Shikena

    1. Anonymous why are u so bitter with her crown, she is not making noise, I dnt knw her from anywhere but she I think you have a bief with her cause she is better than you, or could it be that both of u contested in this competition and u are envious of what she would achieve with her crown as the Miss culture, queen shelly I am 1 of your greatest fans and am very certain that everybody loves you, and I believe some of your friends or some people are not happy with your present status, the good Lord that gave you this will definitely make u a success
