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Sunday, October 25, 2015

When I had a heartbreak, I cried till I had no tears left-Racheal Aniah, actress

Amiable actress Rachael Aniah who  played the role of Afiok in Do Good, a soap opera that is currently running on Africa Magic Durban (DSTV) says that much as she craves to look sexy, she nonetheless strives to be decent. This Accounting graduate of University of Calabar also tells ADAEZE AMOS in this interview  her experience when she had a heart break,  how stardom cannot stop her marriage because both are two worlds apart, among other issues.

When did you start acting?
I started appearing on the screen in 2013 but I was always on stage acting every now and then while growing up. I have always loved movies and so was eager to be part of how it all comes together.
 What movies have you starred in?
I have starred in movies such as ‘Renunciation’, ‘Ighene’, ‘My fate’, ‘Bloomsberry Hotel’ and some TV series such as ‘Girls’ quarters’, ‘Desperate housewives’ and ‘What are friends for?’ The most recent is ‘Do Good’.
 Which was more challenging?
‘Ighene’ was more challenging as the character was being buried alive, so she cursed and screamed while she was being covered with sand. By the time I was done, I had sand in my eyes, mouth and, of course, my hair.
 Which of the movies brought you into the limelight?
‘Do good’ brought me stardom. Playing the role of Afiok and having to speak in Akwa Ibom accent brought me much attention.
 Having studied Accounting, why did you choose acting as a career?
I chose this career because I quite enjoy what I do and I’m eager to have more experience.
What thrills you most in what you do?
What thrills me most is having the opportunity of experiencing what it is like to be someone else and showcasing it to the world.
 Who do you aspire to be like in the movie world?
I just want to be a great actress.
 If acting nude or semi nude would add meaning to a movie role, would you be able to do it?
I can wear skimpy clothes if it’s part of a character that I have to play but not nude.
 What has acting taken from you?
It’s gradually taking away my privacy.
 What lesson has life taught you?
Perseverance. When you want to achieve something, keep trying even when you fail until you hit your goal.
 What’s your philosophy of life?
You reap what you sow, therefore sow wisely.
 Tell us about your love life. Who is that guy rocking your love boat?
I would like to keep that to myself.
 What is the craziest thing a male fan has done to you?
Just taking pictures and announcing who I am to his friends.
 Without fashion, how do you think the world would have looked like?
Without fashion, I guess we would be people that just put on clothes to cover our nakedness not minding the style, colour, design or accessories.
 Can you define your style?
I just love what looks good on me and suits the kind of body frame I have.
 What fashion items form a larger part of your wardrobe?
Earrings and shoes. In fact, I can do without any accessory but earrings? I feel incomplete when I dress up without adorning them.
What part of your body do you consider sexy?
I like to show my legs particularly but if we really want to flaunt all our good sides, I’m sure we would be constantly naked. So, I want to try my best to be sexy and still decent.
 Why do some celebrities not consider marriage important?
Stardom cannot replace marriage because those are two different worlds. What happens most times is that stardom comes with a busy life that interferes in relationship and marriage. So, the moment someone is unable to cope or manage both, it becomes a problem because both require maximum attention, especially when you marry someone who can’t cope with your schedule. Personally, I would love to get married someday, stardom or not. And I will settle down when a guy in a shining armor is ready to come and whisk me away.
 Would you oblige your husband in future if he insists you should quit acting?
Well, I hope I don’t find myself in such a dilemma because acting is what I love doingIf I quit, let it be my decision. But if it comes between me and my marriage, I may cut down a bit, but if he makes me quit, then I hope he is ready to cope with an unhappy wife.
 What are your regrets?
The only regret I have is not starting my screen acting at the time I fully developed interest. But again, there is time for everything, and that time was for school.
 When you had heartbreak, what did you do to kill the pains?

I sulked and cried my eyes out for a few days until there were no tears left to shed. I just resumed my regular activity to help take my mind off it.


  1. Splendid my dearest Afiok... the sky is your starting point by God's grace... I watch dogood for you everyday.

  2. Yeahh..she is an amazing beautiful out for this chap...
