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Friday, December 25, 2015

Movie producers hardly take actresses that sleep around serious-Lurrenz, actor cum movie producer

‘If you're not careful in Nollywood, you'll be destroyed’
Lawrence Rapuluchukwu Onuzulike, also known as Lurrenz is from Achalla, in Awka North Local Government area of Anambra state. He attended Premiere Primary School, Onitsha, Apata Memorial High School, Lagos, Komvux Utbindinglen, Sjobo, Sweden. He is an actor and a movie producer. She tells ADAEZE AMOS that actresses who sleep around to get movie roles are not taken serious by movie producers
 Name movies you have produced
True Lives, Market Babes, Bloomsberry Hotel, Pizzarama, Charles and Sydney, Little Ryan, a few others.
What do you look our for in an actress before you give her a movie role?
 I look for passion. I like to help those who show seriousness, even if they need to be brushed up a little. Talent is good but  passion is the ultimate.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sandra Anthony, Miss Curvy Nigeria gets Curvilicious for Xmas

‘Merry curvilicious Xmas’

Sandra Anthony the Miss Curvy Nigeria, 2015 slips into sweet outfit in order to look curvelicious for her fans. Check her out as she dazzles for her well wishers and friends on Xmas day. “This is my own special way of saying merry Xmas to you my special people.  You all mean a lot to me. May the joy of the season fill your hearts individually in Jesus name, Amen!”

Stephanie Korie; Miss Imo State 2015 doffs her Xmas hat for fans

‘I doff my hat for my fans; merry Xmas’

Stephanie Korie, the Miss Imo State, 2015, remembers her friends, fans and well wishers at this special day when Christ our saviour is marking His birthday. “I have to wish my friends, family members, loved ones and well wishers merry Xmas and prosperous new year. This season when our saviour is being celebrated, we too being  the followers of Christ are also celebrated. Merry Xmas to you all,” she giggled.

Gina Cephas wishes her fans the very best of Xmas

'Merry Xmas to all my fans'
Gina Cephas, a musical diva cannot forget her fans especially  today that is special to all the  Christians. Little wonder she slips into her Xmas regalia  just to wish  her fans the very best of Xmas. "My fans are important to her and that is why I’m wishing them  merry Xmas from the depth of my heart,” she enthused.

Gina Cephas Xmas gifts are waiting for her fans

Attention great fans of Gina Cephas, a diva

If you a great fan of Gina Cephas, a diva, great Xmas gifts await you. The time is ticking away. Just tell her what you need this Xmas. Hurry up as your wishes may close in the next four hours. All you need do is to visit her website which is and tell her what you desire.

Queen Shelly Ogbise; Miss Curvy Culture stole the show at the Calabar Carnival

Queen Shelly’s costume evoked the native African culture

The Carnival Calabar which was tagged Climate Change has come and gone  but the dust it raised is yet to settle. Queen Shelly Ogbise, the Miss Curvy Culture 2015 was present to pay allegiance to her culture. Her presence was highly needed as the Miss Curvy Culture and honestly she didn’t disappoint her fans what with her very colourful and  native cultural costume?
She was very creative with her costume as she stepped out looking like a goddess/queen of a strong kingdom with her beehive of maidens standing beside her.
 She didn’t forget carrying her royal pot to compliment  her costume. That was  was her staff of office.
Gosh! She looked dashing!

Monday, December 21, 2015

How can I marry a guy I caught kissing my elder sister? Never! (2)

Here is the concluding part of Modestus and Maureen story started last week. The duo started dating and when he was about to propose marriage to Maureen was when the devil decided to thrown in a spanner in the relationship.

“My elder sister waited for me to come back from work in the evening before we drove the body of our father to the morgue. While she waited for me, she told me she was hoping that God would wake him up from death. That she needed to give him time to see if he could wake up. My sister never stopped to believe in miracles. We left the house around 10 pm after waiting for 10 hours to see if miracle would happen. That was how dad died, the same year that my mum died. They were both buried, so well that even the villagers were saying that Ekwedike’s daughters were men in the likeness of women. After my father’s burial, my elder sister and I were left in my father’s house. My sister renovated my father’s house, the one he rented and took over the management of the house. She built a bakery right in front of the house and continued with the same business our late mum was doing. When the signpost of the bakery was designed, she called it Eunice Bakery after our mum. All was going on well except the fact that we were lonely most times. It was loneliness that made me come to watch a movie, where I met Modestus, a pilot. We started dating, he became the only male we had in my family because he was frequenting my house. My elder sister liked him too, hence we looked up to him like a brother we never had. The day he came to propose marriage to me, something happened!”

Anita Nwaogu slips into floor-length sheer dress

...with daring slits to show legs

This very style is not for chicken-hearted. It is strictly for bold and daring babes; fashionitas who dress damning the consequence, you know what I mean? Anita Nwaogu AGN Miss Intelligence 2014 is one of them.
Check her out!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Siaka Nimat and J-lo rock blue better!

Siaka Nimat
Blue isn’t just for dudes, babes have taken over

Call it royal blue, you are right or better still cobalt blue, you are not out of place. These two divas Siaka Nimat, a beauty queen  and J-lo a style aficionado stepped out in blue and they really rocked it well.

Feast your eyes on these two fashionistas and catch the blue bug. If you want to rock colour blue today, good, go ahead! Remember blue is no longer restricted to dudes. Babes now rock it better. Check out these twosome, who rocked it better?

‘We can't stop posting corps members to the North’

Olubunmi Stella, a graduate of Lagos State University (LASU), is a field officer of National Youth Service Corps, NYSC. Her job, she says, entails a lot.
“My job takes me around to places where corps members are posted, under different employers to see how they are faring, wheth­er they are serious with what they are assigned to do. I do check on them on a daily basis. Sometimes I go to their employers to find out their opinions about them. The reason is for them to put all their efforts in what they ought to be doing for the whole year that their service would last,” she explained.
Though she enjoys her job, this mother and wife did not rule out the challenges she is confronted with.
“The major challenge has to do with locating places they are post­ed. My duty is to locate them wherever they are in order to oversee what they are doing. At times, the corps members relocate without our knowledge and it is still my duty to find out where they are. That is the major problem. You get at a place and they tell you that corps members posted there had been reassigned without my knowledge. I would now take the new address and start looking for the person. But all the same, I still enjoy my job. I’m happy with what I’m doing. You know corps members are intelligent people, they are graduates from different universities and higher institutions, different back­grounds, places, families and different cultures. So, what I like is the way and manner they interact with me. I’m usually happy being in their midst. They know I’m there for them and they interact with me well. They feel at home with me and that gives me joy,” she ex­plained.

‘I can’t marry a guy I caught kissing my elder sister'


Modestus and Maureen met for the first time in a cinema hall somewhere in Lagos and got talking. They were both engulfed in a love movie they came to watch that they never spoke a word to each other. The hall was dark but they could still see each other.
“Modestus sat by me and kept a long face. I stole glances at him; he was cute and dateable but because he seemed not to pay attention to me and pretended as if I never existed, I concentrated and watched the movie with rapt attention.
“But we spoke the first time when the protagonist of the movie cried. His babe dumped him for another guy. The actor cried so badly that it was indeed emotional. I didn’t know when tears started dripping down my cheeks. That was when he looked at me very closely and asked ‘lady, are you also crying? You know some ladies are heartless. See how the lady dumped a guy who had loved and taken care of her all these years because the other guy is richer. I keep saying it that money rocks. It has power and women certainly worship it’.