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Friday, December 25, 2015

Movie producers hardly take actresses that sleep around serious-Lurrenz, actor cum movie producer

‘If you're not careful in Nollywood, you'll be destroyed’
Lawrence Rapuluchukwu Onuzulike, also known as Lurrenz is from Achalla, in Awka North Local Government area of Anambra state. He attended Premiere Primary School, Onitsha, Apata Memorial High School, Lagos, Komvux Utbindinglen, Sjobo, Sweden. He is an actor and a movie producer. She tells ADAEZE AMOS that actresses who sleep around to get movie roles are not taken serious by movie producers
 Name movies you have produced
True Lives, Market Babes, Bloomsberry Hotel, Pizzarama, Charles and Sydney, Little Ryan, a few others.
What do you look our for in an actress before you give her a movie role?
 I look for passion. I like to help those who show seriousness, even if they need to be brushed up a little. Talent is good but  passion is the ultimate.

Can you reach out to some up comers who are clamouring for movie roles?
 I will advice them to be humble and try to learn as they go. They should comport themselves well and ignore the popular notion that there are shortcuts to making it in Nollywood. They should avoid being troublesome too. It never pays.
 A movie director Teco Benson was saying the other day that days are gone when actresses use what they have in their panties to curry favour for movie roles. That they would have to be serious. Do you concur with him?
But right from the onset, actresses never really gotten what they want using what they have. Not that they didn't try but the truth is that it's very hard for any producer or director who knows his onions to give a lead role of a big movie to a talentless actress just because he slept with her. Producers hardly take actresses that sleep around seriously and majority of them often drop out of Nollywood at the end because nobody takes them serious.
What challenges are you confronted with as a movie producer?
 At this stage I won't really say I'm facing challenges as a producer. The challenges I faced were at the initial period of trying to be a producer. Scuttling between Europe and Nigeria means that I had to leave many things in the care of some people and each time I lose my investment. But now, I stay more in Nigeria and have learnt more about the job. So I do my thing myself
What is your life philosophy?
 My philosophy is there's enough space in the world for everyone to succeed. So there's no point trying to block someone from achieving success
What lesson has life taught you as a movie producer?
 Being a movie producer has taught me something I never knew about doing business in Nigeria. Each time I come to Nigeria I've often dealt with educated people but it was in Nollywood I met all kinds of people, educated, illiterate, desperate, troublesome, mention them. If you're not careful in Nollywood, you'll be destroyed.
Can you define your style?
 I've always maintained that my style is just being me and that's being simple, taking things easy, some said I'm too laid back, but people don't make it in entertainment through gragra. If you don't have the talent, forget it! As for fashion and style, I like simple designs that stand me out. I really have to learn to start wearing natives. I like them on my friends but never really getting around to wearing them.
What fashion accessory forms a larger part of your wardrobe?
 I'll say shoes. It used to be sun glasses but now it's shoes.
Where do you think ladies are getting it wrong in the fashion world?
 Tattoos. I'm still trying to understand the whole idea of self mutilation. Tattoos and body piercings are what I hate so much . Some have so much tattoos and piercings that they compete with the devil himself in terms of looks.

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