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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Queen Shelly Ogbise; Miss Curvy Culture stole the show at the Calabar Carnival

Queen Shelly’s costume evoked the native African culture

The Carnival Calabar which was tagged Climate Change has come and gone  but the dust it raised is yet to settle. Queen Shelly Ogbise, the Miss Curvy Culture 2015 was present to pay allegiance to her culture. Her presence was highly needed as the Miss Curvy Culture and honestly she didn’t disappoint her fans what with her very colourful and  native cultural costume?
She was very creative with her costume as she stepped out looking like a goddess/queen of a strong kingdom with her beehive of maidens standing beside her.
 She didn’t forget carrying her royal pot to compliment  her costume. That was  was her staff of office.
Gosh! She looked dashing!


  1. Wow go girl, I av always believed in u , cos u r the true epitomy of beauty , and true african woman ....may the GOOD LORD see u through

  2. Are u kidding me , my queen u r like the goddess of the ocean ... u just nailed it ..we love u queen long live ur reign

  3. Now this is what we are taliking about , beauty, brains , sexy , curvious queen curvy culture .... my God u r indeed a goddess aatrue african beauty

    1. Your beauty shine like the morning star and you about been a Miss world soon.

  4. Miss curvy culture, u've got an attitude cos black is an attitude, am so proud of u , for not letting me down, ans ur custume is wow, u just nailed it, its indeed creative. And u look like the queen that u are.....we all love u queen shelly

  5. Oh my God , loving u queen, ur size is killing me , and ur outfit is indeed made for u, pls I will like to get to know u....., pls guys is she not an apitomy of beauty..... 1 love queen curvy culture nigeria.....

  6. My good gracious u r dernm beautiful queen

  7. Simply amazing queen shelly, beautifully dressed

  8. u are extremely gorgeous my queen Shelley. Elegant regalia and very lovely look to crown it all. Continue to rule your world. I'm with you on your way up dear. The sky is your starting point.

  9. u are extremely gorgeous my queen Shelley. Elegant regalia and very lovely look to crown it all. Continue to rule your world. I'm with you on your way up dear. The sky is your starting point.
