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Monday, December 21, 2015

How can I marry a guy I caught kissing my elder sister? Never! (2)

Here is the concluding part of Modestus and Maureen story started last week. The duo started dating and when he was about to propose marriage to Maureen was when the devil decided to thrown in a spanner in the relationship.

“My elder sister waited for me to come back from work in the evening before we drove the body of our father to the morgue. While she waited for me, she told me she was hoping that God would wake him up from death. That she needed to give him time to see if he could wake up. My sister never stopped to believe in miracles. We left the house around 10 pm after waiting for 10 hours to see if miracle would happen. That was how dad died, the same year that my mum died. They were both buried, so well that even the villagers were saying that Ekwedike’s daughters were men in the likeness of women. After my father’s burial, my elder sister and I were left in my father’s house. My sister renovated my father’s house, the one he rented and took over the management of the house. She built a bakery right in front of the house and continued with the same business our late mum was doing. When the signpost of the bakery was designed, she called it Eunice Bakery after our mum. All was going on well except the fact that we were lonely most times. It was loneliness that made me come to watch a movie, where I met Modestus, a pilot. We started dating, he became the only male we had in my family because he was frequenting my house. My elder sister liked him too, hence we looked up to him like a brother we never had. The day he came to propose marriage to me, something happened!”

Anytime Modestus closed from work, he would stop over at Maureen’s house to stay with them for a while before driving home. “He too used to feel lonely staying in his house only him. He was good at saying  that the only person who needed to be alone without complaining of loneliness is unborn baby in its mother’s womb. So, he would come out to my house and would even help to run the bakery. He had fantastic ideas that he introduced and the business boomed. Our bread became the best in the neighbourhood and it was the talk of the town. When it clocked one year, we had an event just as Modestus advised us and it happened that we made so much sales that day. The event was more like a promotion of a sort and guests who came bought lots of things because of gift items that we gave them. Florence my sister would give Modestus call if there was anything amiss. He was like the manager of the place who was bringing good ideas including the fact that we needed to expand. The day he came to propose marriage, I never knew he was coming to do that. He never mentioned marriage to me and my elder sister never asked me when he would propose, maybe because her own marriage didn’t stand the taste of time. We were occupied with our bakery business because; we wanted our late parents to be happy in their graves that we were doing well. But within my mind, I believed so much in marriage. I knew there was need for my sister and I to be married, make children and expand the family. Our business wasn’t the only thing that needed expansion. I could remember my mum would always say that each monthly period a lady observed, that she had dropped an egg that could have been fertilized into a baby. And that I shouldn’t wait until I clock 30 before I got married. Her advice had always rang a bell.  So, I had marriage in mind and would have loved to get married before my 26th birthday,” Maureen said.
There was a time Maureen told Modestus stories of how her late mum valued marriage “and the fact that one should start early. Modestus would listen and agreed with my mum and regretted that he never met her. I never knew he had same thing in mind because his own mum had been telling him to bring me home. When he told me about seeing his parents, I agreed but I never showed him I had been longing for that. A lady needed to retain her pride. Integrity for me is everything.
“So, the very day we were meant to go, I spent two hours making choice of what to wear. I had many clothes but I needed to wear what would make me look like a wife material. I was confused until Modestus who had been waiting for me in my living room to dress up, walked into my bed room and brought out a dress and I asked me to wear it. I refused because that was the very dress I wore when I came back from work and saw my dad dead. The very dress I still wore when he was driven to the morgue. When I came home that night I couldn’t undress because I cried myself to sleep. I hated the dress, to me it was a bad memory. He brought out another one, I still refused to wear that one with reason. Modestus was just laughing because each dress had a story. When he eventually brought out the very dress I wore the day I met him in a cinema, I giggled and agreed to wear it. I told him the dress brought me good luck, that it was the day I was wearing it that I met him. He laughed loudly and told Auntie Florence what happened in my room. We all laughed. When we arrived his parents’ place, they liked me. We were entertained, his mother entertained us but his father never stopped asking me questions-my village, my school, my parents, why I chose to marry his son, a whole lot of questions. I answered and he would listen very well and nodded. It was when Modestus was driving me home that he told me what his father said about me. He said his father told him that he had got himself a good woman. I nodded but I was happy in me. When I got home I told my elder sister what happened, we danced, and drank wine together to celebrate it,” she stressed.
Two weeks later, Modestus brought two bottles of expensive wine and a diamond ring ready to propose marriage to Maureen. “He came early and waited for me to come back from work. My elder sister Florence was at home, he told her what he came to do. When my sister saw the bottles of wine, she picked one of them and told him that she was always drinking it in London. That it was her ex-hubby’s favourite. She excitedly uncorked it and brought two glasses. Modestus concurred and poured the wine into the two wine glasses that my sister brought. He didn’t see anything wrong drinking with my sister when I was yet to come home. He never saw anything wrong in my sister’s opinions and decisions. They both continued to drink the sweet alcoholic wine until they both became tipsy. When I drove in, they didn’t hear the sound of my car because music was playing gently in the background. When I closed the gate and used my key to open the front door of the living room, they still didn’t hear the sound of the door. When I walked into the living room, I was shocked at what I saw. My elder sister and my guy were kissing and Modestus was kissing her hungrily, just the same vigour with which he used to kiss me. As if he wanted to devour me.  I stood there stupefied, wondering when that must have started between them. It was when I called out Modestus, that they both stopped and my sister couldn’t look me in the face. I ran out of the living room and Modestus ran after me. He started pleading that it was the bottle of alcoholic wine he drank that caused it. I refused to listen and told him to leave my house. He begged me and showed me the diamond ring that he brought and that the only remaining bottle of wine was meant for two of us, his explanation never made a meaning to me until I saw tears in his eyes. Within that short space of time, I remembered the first time I saw tears in his eyes was at the cinema when the protagonist of the movie was dumped by his girlfriend and he cried like a baby. I too joined him to cry because I had been bottling my own up but when I felt hurt and betrayed tears started dribbling down uncontrollably. I reminded him of the movie we were watching the first day we met at the cinema and told him he was the one dumping me. That it was over! I refused to listen to him and I shouted at him, something he hated with a passion. He hopped into his car and screeched off promising to still keep in touch. My sister had explained to me that they were both drunk and that it was her fault, I got angrier the more. I have decided to move out of that house and get myself an apartment and live my life without my sister nor Modestus,” she said.
Readers what do you think?   Do you think she should forgive Modestus and still accept his marriage proposal, someone she caught kissing her elder sister? Please react to this story.

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