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Friday, February 26, 2016

Life has taught me that there is no shortcut to success-YungBilo, artiste

'I don’t take substances to be high on stage’

Martin O. Evans popularly known as YungBilo is Delta State University graduate of Computer Science and  the CEO of BillionNation Music Label. This entrepreneur who hails from Kwale in Delta State of Nigeria opted for music because he wants to be reaching out to people through his songs. He is stylish no doubt  and loves what he does  with a passion. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, he talked about his style of music, his opinion on success and what makes him high on stage.
Some artistes take substances to be high on stage. What makes you high?
I’m aware of that, but for me seeing crowd at any function or occasion makes me high.  When I need to mount the stage, the crowd turns me on and the determination to woo the audience gives me extra energy. Then of course the organizer who chose me among thousand of other  also keep me on my A game.

Queen Sandra Anthony wows Ouch event with her presence

Wow! Curvy Sandra
Queen Sandra Anthony is always on point
It was just two days ago, on Wednesday 24th of February to be precise  that Sandra Anthony, a beauty queen wowed Ouch’s event with her presence. Ouch was lunching its new outfits somewhere in Lekki, Lagos state and lovers of fashion were present to add colour to the event.
Delectable Sandra, a style pundit, was one of the fashionistas present at the event. And as she was there to unwind, she was also working. “There is no dull moment for me. I make good use of every opportunity to reach out to women. Even as I was there seated, I knew I spoke to some women close to where I was, about my pet project which revolves round cervical cancer. I asked some of them if they were cervical cancer aware. Trust me, I used that little moment to chip in one or two things about cervical cancer and why every woman should be aware of it,” she enthused.
Check her out on red carpet. She looked awesome, right? Keep it up girl. You are one of the beauty queens worthy of emulation.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

‘I regret marrying my mum’s boyfriend’ (2)

This is the concluding part of Ignatius and Veronica’s story started last week. The duo never courted nor dated before knotting the tie. When he eventually proposed marriage to Veronica in her second year in the university, it was a shocker to Veronica herself,  Philomena her mother and Cecilia, Veronica’s younger sister.

Most Fridays I make sure I re-fix my nails and visit my designer for new outfits-D’lyte, a musician

D'lyte, a musician has her daily schedule on her fingertips and she reals it out with ease. Check out what this celebrity does daily. Despite her tight schedule, she finds time to look good, take care of her hair and nails. And that's how it should be.

 My Mondays are like Sundays to me, they are my  rest days, Monday is  a day I stay home to arrange and strategize my activities for the week. Only very important meetings or  impromptu studio schedules can move me out of my house on Monday, its a day I work from home and have good quality time for myself . I work as a project manager apart from music and it has to be three  times in a week.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I can date a colleague if I love him-Actress Tessy Oragwa

 A bit on yourself?
Nollywood actress Tessy Oragwa, from Obodoukwu in  Ideato North Local Government in Imo state is from a family of six but she is the third child and second daughter of her family.
A bit on your educational background?
I went to Kings Crown Academy Primary school Lagos. And completed my secondary school at Okota High School. Then proceeded to the University of Lagos where I got my BSC in Business Administration
How was childhood? What do you remember about your growing up with great nostalgia?
Childhood was really fun because I was my dad’s favourite.

I have an understanding relationship with Chika Ike my sister and we treat each other with love and respect- Vivien Ike, actress

Vivien Ike
‘My style is chic, timeless, effortless and elegant!’
 Vivien Ike, the younger sister of the popular actress Chika Ike is also into acting. She chose to make a career in TV Reality Shows and acting. Just like her elder sister, she is delectable, beautiful and fashionable. Meaning that beauty runs in Ike's family. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talked about her lifestyle and dress sense. 
To fulfill purpose in life, you once said a particular principle  must have to be in place. What is that principle?
That principle is Godly principle or what I may call divine principle. That is the principle of having the fear of God. You have to be born again Christian. You have  to first seek the kingdom of God and everything else will be given to her.
Chika Ike

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gina Cephas drops Ife, a new single

Amiable and stylish Gina Cephas, a musical diva is at it again! This brings to mind the popular cliché 'whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well'. That was exactly what this lady of substance  did just recently.
 It happened last week Friday to be precise. Guess what it was? Well,  she dropped the most anticipated hit single titled Ife.

Ife is a Yoruba word for love remember? This diva could be called a preacher of love “because love is divine, it’s biblical and it is one of the commandments of God almighty. You need to listen to it and thank me later,” she giggled, excitedly. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Representing the continent as queen was amazing – Genevieve Fadeh

Representing the continent as queen was amazing – Genevieve Fadeh

Sunday, February 21, 2016

‘I regret marrying my mum’s boyfriend’

Ignatius and dark skinned and pretty Veronica were not friends, they never courted for once before getting married. “I used to see him visit my mum, a widow, whose husband died when she was 50, then I was barely 12 and depended so much in my mum. She had nobody to help raise me and my younger sister who was five when papa died. So, while she struggled to raise us, there was a particular man who was her customer. My younger sister and I used to call him Uncle Ignatius. He was always coming to patronize my mum because she used to run a canteen just opposite the place where he walked. He would come twice before the close of work and at times forgo his change for my mother.

Hairy transition during pregnancy?

When Veronica was pregnant with first and second baby, she noticed that her hair was full and healthy. She had to stop all the hair treatment she was applying to her hair before pregnancy. She really enjoyed her hair during those nine months period of pregnancy. She thought she was the only one enjoying this until she went to antenatal clinic and overheard her fellow pregnant women discussing about the miracle on their hair. She realized that so many pregnant mums she had contact with were also thanking God that their hair were bouncing during the time they were pregnant. Yes, if you are pregnant and your hair is bouncing just as Veronica’’s own did when she was pregnant, know it that it is common for your hair to get thicker when you’’re pregnant.