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Friday, February 26, 2016

Queen Sandra Anthony wows Ouch event with her presence

Wow! Curvy Sandra
Queen Sandra Anthony is always on point
It was just two days ago, on Wednesday 24th of February to be precise  that Sandra Anthony, a beauty queen wowed Ouch’s event with her presence. Ouch was lunching its new outfits somewhere in Lekki, Lagos state and lovers of fashion were present to add colour to the event.
Delectable Sandra, a style pundit, was one of the fashionistas present at the event. And as she was there to unwind, she was also working. “There is no dull moment for me. I make good use of every opportunity to reach out to women. Even as I was there seated, I knew I spoke to some women close to where I was, about my pet project which revolves round cervical cancer. I asked some of them if they were cervical cancer aware. Trust me, I used that little moment to chip in one or two things about cervical cancer and why every woman should be aware of it,” she enthused.
Check her out on red carpet. She looked awesome, right? Keep it up girl. You are one of the beauty queens worthy of emulation.

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