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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Most Fridays I make sure I re-fix my nails and visit my designer for new outfits-D’lyte, a musician

D'lyte, a musician has her daily schedule on her fingertips and she reals it out with ease. Check out what this celebrity does daily. Despite her tight schedule, she finds time to look good, take care of her hair and nails. And that's how it should be.

 My Mondays are like Sundays to me, they are my  rest days, Monday is  a day I stay home to arrange and strategize my activities for the week. Only very important meetings or  impromptu studio schedules can move me out of my house on Monday, its a day I work from home and have good quality time for myself . I work as a project manager apart from music and it has to be three  times in a week.

 Tuesday is one of the days I jog especially  in the mornings and that  keeps me energetic and ready for the day.  

 This third day of the week is for studio session with my producer.  Whether we have a song to do or not I must touch the studio 2/3 times in a week.  This helps my sound because it gives me an opportunity to improve on myself and my songs , we could touch a song over and over again then at night I attend a Bible class or evening service and then I head home and continue with  the usual home activities -cook food, watch TV, listen to the  news and rest till the next day.
Thursday is when I start getting ready for my weekends. Especially if I’m invited to a show where I’m supposed to perform.

 Most Fridays I make sure I visit my designer for a new outfit,  do my nails and hair just to prepare for the weekend events or shows , I also drop by the studio to work although there are times my studio work gets so tough I go almost everyday . Friday nights  are  always booked with one  show or an event to attend and if there is  no performance I stay home and  read.

I attend events and shows especially the ones I’m invited for.

I go to church. This is important to me because it is God that renews my strength 

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