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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I have an understanding relationship with Chika Ike my sister and we treat each other with love and respect- Vivien Ike, actress

Vivien Ike
‘My style is chic, timeless, effortless and elegant!’
 Vivien Ike, the younger sister of the popular actress Chika Ike is also into acting. She chose to make a career in TV Reality Shows and acting. Just like her elder sister, she is delectable, beautiful and fashionable. Meaning that beauty runs in Ike's family. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talked about her lifestyle and dress sense. 
To fulfill purpose in life, you once said a particular principle  must have to be in place. What is that principle?
That principle is Godly principle or what I may call divine principle. That is the principle of having the fear of God. You have to be born again Christian. You have  to first seek the kingdom of God and everything else will be given to her.
Chika Ike
‘Life has taught me to walk by faith and not by sight’

Tell us about your background?
I grew up in a family where family values lies in teaching the golden rule and practicing what we were taught.  That golden rule, as my mum would say is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. For me, that’s true religion. Added to that, pray without season and have faith in God.

How is your relationship with your sister Chika Ike who happens to be a popular Nollywood actress?

We have an understanding relationship and treat each other with much love and respect. 

Tell us about your new reality show called Blind Tasters cooking competition
Blind Tasters is a healthy competition that celebrates family values, promotes the concept of love, friendship, and cooking. It employs blind tasting as a means of evaluating, promoting, strengthening and rekindling the bond between people.  This healthy competition involves seven contestants and seven blind tasters. These blind tasters could be family relations or friends of the contestants. The contestants are assigned to cook while the blind tasters are to identify their contestant’s dish. If they fail, they send their contestants to the danger zone where each of them has to identify whatever is presented to them. They do this with their eyes closed and noses clamped. Any contestant that fails the test goes into the elimination room to face a celebrity judge and two other judges. There, they are judged based on the presentation and taste of their food. The contestant with worst food is eliminated and the one that has the best food wins. The overall winner of the competition leaves with a cash prize of two million Naira and a brand new car.

How does Blind Tasters stand out among other reality shows?
Blind tasters already speaks for itself as its format has been reviewed by top production companies. Blind Tasters is a show that celebrates family values, which includes social, political, religious and work values. All these strengthen the bonds families have and help kids make good choices. I am confident that Blind Tasters will appeal to a broad demographic due to its varied content and entertainment value. For example, a mother can be the contestant and her 7 year old can be her blind taster. In three words, Blind Tasters cooking competition is colorful, fun and rewarding! When I say Blind Tasters is rewarding, I am not just talking about financial reward but things that money can’t buy like fixing broken relationships, restoring peace, trust and unity between families and friends. For me, there are two relationships that really matter-our relationship with God and relationship with your family.

How do you think this can contribute to the economy?
Creativity is important for economic growth and development. Due to this, my focus has always been to create wealth and in doing so, promote a creative economy.  Everything in this world begins with a simple idea and this has created job opportunities and generated income, thereby contributing to the development of countries. Blind Tasters is no different in the sense that it is a brilliant idea that has the potential of doing the same thing.  Which is enerating income and creating job opportunities, which in essence will promote a creative economy and maximize developmental gains in this ever changing world of ours.

What inspires you in life?
Creativity inspires me because it breaks down walls and dissolves fear. It boosts your self-esteem and make you begin to see yourself as a creative genius.

Who is your mentor?
Well, I am a perfectionist so I will go for Jesus, because he is perfect. But if you had to rephrase the question and ask me the ones I truly admire, I would not mince words when I say Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey. I love people that think different and also those that are cheerful givers.

Favorite quote?
I have two favorite quotes from me. The first one is that “your purpose begins and ends with God.”  The second one, “I'd rather sweat and smile now than smile and sweat later.”

What are your long-term goals?
By his grace, my production company, Vivien Ike productions limited, will produce more shows, movies, documentaries and more in the future. My team and I strongly believe that greatness lives here and we are determined to prove it.

What is your most striking prayer point?

“Lord, give me the strength to do your will at all times.”

What lesson has life taught you?

Life has taught me to walk by faith and not by sight.

When you are down what do you do to stay inspired?

As much as I love my ClorMel temperament, sometimes my melancholic side shows up when I am faced with difficult situations and I need that reassurance to keep fighting. To come out of that depressed state, I motivate myself with a Bible verse: Romans 8:28- It’s actually my favorite verse- It says, “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose.”  That alone, does it for me and in no time, I bounce back.

Tell us the qualities of your ideal man?
(Laughs) He has to have the fear of God and be in alignment with his purpose and mine.

What is your style?
I believe I fall under the classy-chic umbrella. Its timeless, effortless and elegant!

Are you a fashionable person?
I consider myself a stylish person not a fashionable person and I will explain why.  A fashionable person follows trends closely because he/she is concerned about keeping up with the latest fashion trend. A stylish person keeps an eye on fashion and only takes what he/she feels has that timeless appeal and is appropriate. For me it has always been about the fit and not the trend because trends come and go, making it hard to keep up but I applaud those who can.

What fashion item forms a large part of your wardrobe?
Well…Jumpsuits. It’s simple and classic.

Who are the Nigerian fashionistas you admire?
Rita Dominic has a good sense of style.

What do you think is the general misconception you think some Nigerian ladies have about fashion?
Well, just because it’s trendy doesn’t mean it fits or will look good on you. We as women should not follow trends at all times but be independent and creative with our choices. Try getting something ordinary and make it extra ordinary.

Tell us some movies you have starred in?
Monster Under My Skin and Lost Trust produced by Chioma Okoye.and directed by Ekenna Igwe. Also, Different Women produced by Lisa Onu and directed by Iyke Odife.

Which was the most challenging?
The character I played in Lost Trust. I was a mediator, whose only plan was to cause havoc and destroy my friend’s home. I was thrilled about my first role, but then I put myself in the other characters’ shoes and I became moody. So to avoid falling deep into depression, I reminded myself it was just a character and it would never be me.

What thrills you about your roles?
That I get to play out other peoples’ lives and learn from that experience.

How do you cope with stardom?
Stardom? Well, if you are talking of the future, then the best way I will cope with it will be to remember where I came from, the reason why I am doing what I am doing, and that in achieving my dreams, I am making other peoples’ dreams come true.

You must have experienced some level of ‘heartbreak’ in the past, what did you do to come out of the pain?
Heartbreak comes in different forms but the best way to deal with such is to learn from it and move on. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger

What is your philosophy?
This is my personal quote: I would rather sweat and smile now than smile and sweat later! 

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