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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I won’t quit acting even if hubby insists-Stella Udeze, actress

‘I will choose Majid Michael for romance roles’
Pretty Stella Udeze, an actress, is also a model. She was born into the family of Agbarakwe Udeze in Orlu,  Imo state. She is the second in the family of six. She was born and bred in Lagos where she did her nursery, primary and tertiary education. She describes herself as a goal-getter. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS she talked about her lifestyle as an actress.
If you weren’t an actress what would you have opted for?
I would have been an event planner. Little wonder I went for a course on it and I’m just through .
What did you study?
I studied English Education from Imo State University.
What exactly thrills you about acting?
What thrills me most is the fact that my job is like a hobby. So, I’m being paid for enjoying myself, having fun. That’s what I call passion.

What do you think acting has stolen from you?
What acting has taken from me is spending  less time with my family and friends.
What prize did you pay to get to where you are now?
I know already that in order for one to be successful in life, you must give up something. Mine is forfeiting so many things in order to be closer to God my creator.
Mention some movies you have starred in?
Movies I have starred in are ‘A Week To My Wedding’,’ Bound To Vow’,’ Bleeding King’, ‘Touch And Follow’, ‘Before Getting Married’, ‘Bachelors Life’, and so on.
Which of them shot you out?
Well, I would like to say first and foremost that I have not gotten a big break yet but the movie ‘Bleeding King’ gave me a little recognition.
Which was the most challenging one?
The movie ‘Bound To Vow’ was challenging because I had to switch in between two characters.
Can you relieve your first experience on a movie set?
At first I was so scared.  Then I suddenly heard a voice saying, ‘this is what you have always wished for. Make the best out of it.’ And then  got my confidence back,  (laughs).
What has life as an actress taught you?
Life as an actress has taught me to be patient and tolerant.
What if your hubby says you should quit acting, would you oblige him?
(Laughs) Hell no! If he loves me, he should as well love my profession.
How have you been able to give back to the society?
I do give back to the society by giving to the less privilege through my church.
What is your life philosophy?
Tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live.
Which actor would you prefer to be paired with to interpret romance roles?
There are lots of cute actors but to be specific, I would go for Majid Michael because he is an amazing actor.
Who are those actresses you admire?
I admire Genevieve Nnaji because of her simplicity.
How do you feel about the fact that acting has robbed you of privacy?
It’s a mixed feeling. I feel good and bad. Good because you tend to get connected and bad because people approach you for negative reasons. Sometimes they take you to be the character you portrayed in a movie. It’s fun anyway.


  1. Go girl...kip it up

  2. Ugonma in bleeding king... Nice a fan.want to see more of your movies.

  3. Stella Udueze is a Very exciting NOLLYWOOD star whose future is very bright because she is very beautiful, smart, intelligent and above all very talented and friendly and that is why it is exciting to watch her movies! Highly recommended! Adam Adla, New York City

  4. I love her she is so beautiful and I love her movies
