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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

I have never felt inferior in the midst of slender ladies just because I’m plus- sized-Shelly Ogbise, model cum beauty queen

'I know what I carry and my worth as a woman'
  • Who says plus-sized ladies are not trendy?
It’s a pity that some ladies have bled to death while trying to cut off some excess flesh or while trying to add to a particular body size. An Abuja-based-Lawyer bled to death last year while undergoing surgery to boost her bums. Can you just imagine.
So many plus-sized ladies who you may think would ordinarily  line up to have some flesh chopped off  their body took to social media and criticized the lady lawyer for taking such an unnecessary risk. One of such ladies is Shelly Ogbise, a Bayelsa born beauty queen, model and English graduate asks “of what need or benefit was that? Why should any right thinking lady go through surgical blade in order to either reduce or add to herself. What matters so much in life is  knowing your self worth first and loving yourself no matter how fat you are.
“If you love yourself, then you should be proud of the figure you have!  Don’t be bothered when people start  telling you that you are too fat. Don’t allow people’s negative comments make you begin to feel ashamed of yourself. I’m saying this because so many plus-sized ladies are intimidated when they are in the midst of slender ladies. I for once have never felt intimidated or inferior in the midst of slender ladies or slender models just because of my size
  • Don't be bothered with people's negative comments
“I’m not promoting obesity, don’t get me wrong,  but if you are okay health wise and long to loose weight, that's fine!  But first of all love who you are and try to be trendy with your style regardless of your weight or size. I am one very person who have never questioned God why I am plus-sized. Reason is that I know what I carry and my worth as a woman. I also know that medically going under the knife for surgery to cut off some flesh is risky, so why should I take that kind of risk?  In all, self love is the key word.”

Shelly Ogbise, a single mother,  a three –times- beauty queen says that while growing up, she  used to have issues with  people because of her size. “I have had issues while growing up about my size. When I was in secondary school, I used to love dresses that were suitable for slender girls. I would buy such dresses and tried to force myself into them. But I later discovered that such dresses were not right for my size and what I did was to look for styles  that fitted  my body size and still looked hot and sexy in such styles. Women should know that we are all beautiful in whatever shape or size we have. Or haven’t you noticed that some plus-sized ladies no longer ;look stunning when they start shedding weight? So, my advise is to be yourself and love the way God has designed you.”


  1. Wisdom is profitable to man.. malcomX

  2. Wwldone my queen, I have always love you, your charisma is out of thia world
