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Saturday, December 12, 2015

‘I’m well endowed; my backside and front are breathtaking’

Chioma Ifemeludike, affectionately known as Chicky by her friends and fans, is an actress that has featured in so many movies. Yet, she is fervent because she finds pleasure in what she does for a living.
“I have featured in over 30 movies. I actually started acting when I left Jos, Plateau where I was born and bred for Lagos,” she disclosed. It was in Lagos, having attended primary and secondary education in Jos that her passion for acting blossomed.
“It was as if God was waiting for me to come to Lagos before my passion for acting would rekindle. I’m not studying Theatre Arts but Political Science, yet I chose to have a career in what I found pleasure doing and amazingly it has given me fame,” she said.
Was it something she saw in Lagos that revived her passion for acting?
“Well, I have always wanted to be an actress right from when I was growing up. That was my biggest dream. When I moved over to Lagos, I had to start acting. I started from interpreting minor roles and gradually I got to the level where I am now. To the glory of God, I now interpret more challenging roles. I have featured in over 30 movies and I’m still continuing. I would never relent because that is my talent,” she said smilingly.

Four interesting things about Amby Opara, a model

She joined modeling world at 19
“Yes and that  gave me the opportunity to know about modeling early in life. It also helped me to know what it means to be a lady. In fact, it  was when I became a model that I  got to know that I needed to improve and work on myself. So, I would say that modeling  helped me boost my confidence and self esteem .
Amby and limelight
I hit limelight early too. And that could be fun and interesting but mind you it has its ups and downs. You may have numerous fans and some of them may want to do some crazy stuffs but I try to watch it. Luckily enough, I have not come across stubborn stalkers.
Lesson of life
Life has taught me a lot. The major thing is to be good to people, you wouldn’t  know who would be of great help to you. Life has also taught me to be patient, cool, playful and happy.
Best part of her body
My Legs! I’m ready to flaunt my legs anytime because I know I have got hot legs.

Today is my birthday. I give God all the glory for life, good health, my family and loved ones He gave to me.

Ex-Commissioner Ekiti state, Eniola Ajayi, to ladies:Don’t be desperate to get married

'As women, we are not prone to struggle or fight for stuff'
Dr Eniola Ajayi, an Ocular Pathologist, Optometrist and "a servant of the public. I had the opportunity to serve Ekiti State as Commssioner in two different portfolios. Firstly, as Honourable Commissioner for Education Science and Technology, and secondly as Honourable Commissioner for Environment," she said.
This woman of substance admires women who dream big. These are women who make positive efforts to get to the height they desire in life and who do not allow their sex to deter them from making reasonable contributions to the society.
Hence, she suggests that government can be of help to such women if more space or quota could be created for them, so that they can contribute to betterment of the society.
“One of the ways the dreams of women can come true or be accomplished in our society is to do a deliberate quota more or less for them. That means setting out spaces for them within the political spheres, the academia and what have you,” she said.

Exposing your body attracts wrong men-Obioma May Aruh

Obioma May Aruh, nee Okoronkwo, deals in textiles, a business she has been into for about two decades. After receiving a degree in English from Imo State University, now Abia State University and later a master’s in Business Administration from the Lagos State University, she went ahead for a diploma in Textile Designing which has a fascination for her. She has toured most parts of the world showcasing and promoting Nigerian fabrics in her own little way. The opinion of this textile guru concerning the nation’s fashion industry is encouraging. “The Nigerian fashion industry is doing pretty well. That is my candid opinion. At least for now, you can see that most fashionistas wear Nigerian fabrics such as Wax, which is fondly known as Ankara, Aso-oke, Adire, to mention but a few. Interestingly, fashion designers are contributing immensely to the growth of the fabric industry here because they are the ones that are busy churning out mind-blowing styles,” she says.

Stephanie Korie, 2015 Miss Imo State dazzles in style

'My smile complements my style'

 Stephanie Korie, from Ihitte Uboma Iga of Imo state, the current Miss Imo says she outshines others on the red carpet of glamourous events with her sweet smiles. "I feel my sweet smiles compliment my style and stand me out," she says.
 Here she is, still dazzling in style.

I never knew I could be a beauty queen someday-Stephanie Korie, Miss Imo State

 ‘My aura of beauty gave me an edge over 26 others’
A detailed introduction of you?
I’m Stephanie Korie, from ihitte Uboma Iga of Imo state. The third of four children of Mr and late Mrs Godwin Korie. I’m 22 years old. I’m an optimist; I can see a cup half full and never half empty. My likes are honesty and loyalty. I dislike lies.
A bit on your educational background?
I’m in my finale year studying Computer Science in Abia State Polytechnic.
How was growing up? Did it ever occur to you that at a time in your life, you would be a beauty queen?
Growing up, I always loved to watch pageants, usually I mimic them (contestants) with my friends, we would pose and choose our countries or states and then catwalk (laughs). But never knew I would be one someday. Thanks be to God for that. I was fulfilled, was very happy. I even cried (giggles) when I was crowned. Tears of joy I suppose.
Relieve what happened on the night of the beauty pageant. How many were you girls in number?
We were 27 girls representing the 27 local government areas of Imo state. Then in camp we were taught some etiquettes, catwalk, and more each night different tasks where given to us and we dare not misbehave. It was a real camp. On the finale we did our introduction, choreography, bikini exhibition, traditional exhibition and then dinner gown. There was a time for questions and answers and then the winner was crowned. Yes, I was crowned (laughs).

Friday, December 11, 2015

My only regret is leaving mom at age 16 to pursue acting career –Halima Abubakar

Halima Abubakar is a Nollywood actress who has endured in the industry. She started acting at the  age of 16. She tells Adaeze Amos  that growing up for her was turbulent, among others.
When did you start acting?
I knew about Nollywood, at 16, in 2000. I was quite rebellious. I left home to pursue my acting career and I regretted leaving my mom to the mercy of gossip and tears. That is the reason I keep saying that my mom is strong and great. I went back to her in Kano after a year to apologise on bended knees. I asked for her forgiveness and she forgave me.
You said you were 16 years old when you started acting; but you were supposed to be in secondary school at that age?
I was 16, young and naïve. I was actually in secondary school, in SS One. I went back to my mother; I decided to complete my secondary school education and university. I studied Sociology at Bayero University, Kano. When I started acting, I had to lie that I was more than 16 years old, so that no one would take me for granted. I wanted people to respect me and my ideas.

I believe in falling in love but with my eyes open –Adaora Ukoh, Nollywood screen diva

Plus size  actress and 'Lekki Wives'Nollywood star, Adaora Ukoh, started acting before going to study Law at the University of Lagos. Big, bold and beautiful, she had featured in many movies but she rose to prominence with Black Bra and Lekki Wives. She tells Adaeze Amos that though she is still single, she is not searching because there is a man that occupies the love zone of her heart. Excerpts:
You looked stunning in a movie role you took up some time ago with a low shave of your hair. Are you considering having a skin cut as your style signature?
Thank you for the compliment. It also amazed me that I could look that good on a skin cut because I had never really considered shaving my hair. All the same, I must say that sometimes this skin cut trend is also boring after a while. That was why I gradually slipped back into growing my hair again. Skin cut as a style signature was not for me but funnily, some producers I worked with preferred that I wore skin-cut.

As a female talking drummer, I’m appreciated more in Europe –Tosin Olakanye-Olayemi

Oluwatosin Olakanye-Olayemi is the Project Director Mother-Drum Arts. She studied Chemical and Polymer Engineering at the Lagos State University. Some call this music icon, Ayanbinrin, others refer to her as Mother-Drum of Africa (‘Iya- Ilu’). She tells Adaeze Amos  what makes her tick in an art that is male-dominated, among others.
You are called many beautiful names based on what you do. Which of the names do you prefer?
I’m a female talking drummer. That is the way I see myself.
What was your field of study in the university?
I studied Chemical and Polymer Engineering at the Lagos State University. In my third year in the university, I decided to pick up drumming because I had always wanted to be a Theatre Arts person though my parents never wanted it. They asked me to study Engineering because I was good in Mathematics. Thank God I ended up discovering myself and now I’m doing what I would have loved to do at the initial stage.
How was growing up?
I grew up in a family that really loved indigenous music. My dad loved King Sunny Ade, Pa Orlando Owoh and Haruna Ishola music. The love for such music actually led to the kind of music I’m doing now. I grew up listening to the indigenous music. I hail from Ondo State.
Was your grandmother a talking drummer?
No, but my great-grand-paternal uncle used to be a drummer. It runs in the blood. My parents are glad I’m doing this now and sometimes I tell them they wasted my time. But I no longer see it as a waste of time because I still see myself doing what I would have loved to do. I thank God I didn’t end up an engineer, though that is what I am professionally
Where has your drum taken you to?
It has taken me far and wide…outside Nigeria, Africa, London, America, South Africa and Ghana. It has taken me wide. When I performed in Europe, they were so amazed. They rushed, wanting to touch my drum and after my performance, a white woman told me to sell my drum to her. She was ready to buy it at any price. I said no, that was my identity, my culture and my art. In fact, I’m appreciated more in Europe.

A lady can show cleavage and be decent about it –Vivian Ejike, movie producer

'I have asked God to deliver me from spirit of shoes'
Vivian Ejike is a movie producer and a mother. Movie production for her started when she was a student. That was when she released a movie titled Golden Fleece. In this interview with Adaeze Amos, she speaks about her foray into the makebelieve world, her sizzling passion for shoes among others.
What are those fashion blunders you often notice in this part of the world?
Sometimes I like what I see, at other times they become an eyesore. There is this low-waist jeans. I have one that is particularly painful to my eyes. When I see low-waist jeans, I like them, they are nice. But I don’t want to see your butt-crack, thank you. It is very painful to my eyes. Honestly, I feel like we are selling ourselves, dignity and virtues cheap. I mean why should any man look at your butt-crack when he is not your boyfriend or your husband? It is silly. You can still be properly covered and look good. Even if you want to show flesh or skin, you can show a little bit of skin and still look nice. You can show cleavage and be decent about it. That is what I always tell people. I’m not a nun, I show skin but you have to show it in moderation, in a decent way. But when I show excessive skin, know that I’m at home.

Martina Obi Okorare, actress, has found a new love

Martina Obi Okorare,  face of Davon Kings Veggy  Oil

Martina, an actress, who has starred in many movies and soap operas has a new love now in her kitchen shelf even as you read this. Guess what it is? Davon Kings Vegetable Oil. 
She said she has tried others but came to the conclusion that the one she is using now is the best. She asserted that this season of Xmas when there is much to cook, bake and fry, Davon Kings would be put to good use. “Davon Kings is better than the rest because it gives my dishes that special taste I long for. It is healthy, heart friendly and doesn’t gum to the palate. It lowers cholesterol level and my doctor sure has confirmed it!

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Barbara Soky: My regrets as an actress

'Honestly, stardom is a problem'
Take a closer look at her picture, do you recognize her? Barbara Soky, the screen diva of the 80s, who hit stardom at a very young age. She featured in two popular soaps, ‘Ripples’ and ‘Mirror in the Sun’.  Barbara, in this interview with Adaeze Amos, reveals that stardom brings loneliness as there is no one to confide in. She counsels the young generation of actresses to beware of deception, among others.
Some actresses usually say if the pay is right, they wouldn’t mind acting nude. What’s your opinion on this?
It is ignorance and desperation to make money. We would also not remove the age factor. Most of them are young. We do know that young people show youthful exuberance. That is when the love of a family comes to play a vital role because as a youth, there is tendency for you to stray. Maybe because of peer group pressure, but the love in your family pulls you. Such a love is power. Stardom is a burden, a problem on its own. Once you become a star, you are exposed. Imagine when one is exposed in a world so cruel and cold. That is where the problem comes from. What you have next around you is deception, slander, blackmail, envy and jealousy. These would become the devils that you would have to deal with. You would not find a true love.

‘No man in Nollywood can say Ebere Agu has ever opened her legs for him’

‘There is nothing I value more in life than my body’

Ebere Agu is one actress that does not mince words with her responses. She says it the way it is, giving answers to questions some would tag personal. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talked about her integrity in Nollywood and how she would never fall victim to sexual harassment.

As an actress, what kind of movie roles/scripts are you at home with?
Well, as an actress, my duty is to interpret every role being given to me. So, I’m at home with every role whether rugged or wacko. That’s my job!  That is why when I’m on my own,  I could be  soliloquizing  as if  I’m on set with another actor.  That is my own way of self rehearsal.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Help! Widows in my neighbourhood fight over my husband

Alexander was good looking and comical, always ready to engage friends with his juicy stories. Though he may not be classified as very affluent or had much money to throw around, he had enough to entertain his friends and also provide for his family. He was raised that way, he saw his father made provisions for his family.
Thus, he learned from his father that one way which a man could retain his respect and integrity was to make provision for his family. When he met Victoria, a lady he later married, she fell head over heels in love with her.
“Alexander my husband had known how to take care of me right from his family. Nobody taught him that. He followed the footsteps of his father who according to the story he told me felt it was an insult to eat a meal prepared by a woman without giving her money for it. He grew up knowing and practising it so much that when we were courting he would visit me and after eating, would never leave my house without giving me some money, no matter how little.

Being beautiful or ugly: What difference does it make in a woman’s life

This simple poser met with different reactions of five young ladies from different walks of life. went to town with this very question and these ladies reacted. I don’t know your own opinion, but feel free and send your comments. Your opinion counts too even as you read reactions of these four damsels.
All women are beautiful-Queen Siaka Nimat
Well, it depends on what our definition of what beautiful and ugly is. Because my own believe is that no woman is ugly. Every woman has a beauty that she posses. It might not be a facial beauty but inward thing which brings out more value and integrity in her. Beauty is relative as the case may be because a man’s food is another’s poison. God has created us fearfully and wonderfully in his own image and likeness. So, all women are beautiful in as much as a woman takes off any form of low esteem, takes so much pride in herself with full confidence, takes time to train her mind and brain, to stand out in a unique way. She is termed beautiful.
All women are beautiful because we have confirmed it from God. So, no such thing as being ugly. A goat can be ugly, any animal could be ugly, an object could be ugly but not women. All women are wonderful gifts from God to humanity.
Siaka Nimat, Beauty queen
Being beautiful is a door opener while verse is the case-Ruth Soma, model and  rap artiste:
I disagree with Queen Siaka Nimat. She was only trying to be nice and avoid the problems of critics. We are not sermonizing here or preaching the Bible. We have heard all these before. Her answer did not bring justice to the question. She is a beauty queen, she went for the pageant and she won. If all women are beautiful, there wouldn’t have been need for a beauty pageant in the first place. Let’s be realistic here and answer the question. One would easily say that beauty is skin deep or it is in the mind. Well, it is true. But I believe that beauty is both skin-deep and physical.  If beauty is only skin deep, there wouldn’t have been need for beauty pageants where a beauty queen is crowned. Judges considering the physical appearance-facial beauty, good body frame, height and sharp brain.
So, to me, physical beauty is a great door opener. Any woman that lacks it has a huge short coming. And if a woman is also blessed with the skin-deep kind of beauty, that is perfect! To answer your question which says ‘being beautiful or ugly: what difference does it make in a woman’s life?’ Being beautiful makes a whole lot of difference in a woman’s life. You would admire what you see first before you come closer to notice the inner beauty. Being ugly is a put off and that is why advertisers go for beautiful women who would attract buyers for their products. An ugly woman would have to put extra effort to be attracted to her first before you begin to notice her inner beauty. This is the fact! That is why today’s women strive to look beautiful by spending hours in salons and beauty spas just to enhance their looks. This is my candid opinion, I don’t care what the next person thinks. Ladies let’s all strive to look beautiful for beauty is a door opener. God Himself is beautiful! His creations attest to that.
Ruth Soma, model, rap artiste

Being beautiful gives a lady confidence-Olivia-Sandra, beauty queen
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But putting it in general term, being beautiful gives a lady confidence and this invariably means that being ugly rubs a woman of her self confidence. An ugly woman feels inferior in everything she does. She feels neglected and hides in her shell. Having said that, a pretty woman should also strive to have inner beauty because without that she can be said to be ugly inside. One cannot compare the social life of a beautiful woman to that of an ugly one. What do you think?
Olivia-Sandra, beauty queen
Beautiful women get more favours than ugly ones- Ifu Ennada, actress, TV presenter
First and foremost, I consider everyone beautiful and I especially look out for beauty beyond skin deep. This is the kind of beauty that should matter to everyone, but unfortunately most people only care about the beauty on the outside, the physical beauty.
Putting this into consideration, I would say that the ladies most people in our society consider beautiful sometimes get more favours than those the society considers ugly. This is evident almost in every industry. I once saw an advert for a skincare that only required fair ladies. These days most Nigerian music videos favour light skinned girls over dark skin. Even in public places, sometimes ladies who are considered beautiful get away easily with wrongs they do. On the other hand, girls the society consider ugly have to rely on their brain to build their way up.
Some of ugly women who suffer from low self esteem end up bleaching their skin and altering God’s original design for them in order to belong to the league our society calls beautiful. This is just sad. There is a wind of change blowing and some people are beginning to look beyond skin deep before they call you beautiful. Yes, some Nigerians are not fooled by the physicals any more. They are beginning to understand and appreciate what true beauty is.
Ifu Ennada, actress TV presenter
With new make-up technique discovered, anyone can look beautiful- Keira Hewatch, actress
In this day and age, physical beauty doesn’t necessarily mean much anymore because with each new make-up technique discovered, anyone can look beautiful in a flash. It’s more of an inner beauty, strength of character that people look out for these days, in my opinion.
Keira Hewatch, actress

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Queen Ure Okezie visited Wellspring Rehabilitation Centre, Olowora, Lagos

‘Never make your man a thin god; else when he jilts you, you may need to be rehabilitated’

Delectable Queen Ure Okezie,  the Porpori crooner, a musical diva, CEO of Dream and Become International, whose residential apartment in Lagos got burnt barely a month ago precisely on the  5th November this year; paid a visit to Wellspring Rehabilitation Centre, Olowora, Lagos, on the 6th of December to show love. She also gave them some food items.
This daughter of Zion, ex-pastor, who used to have her own church counseled the inhabitants of the centre and encouraged them while quoting copiously from the scripture. She does charity-outing four times in a year and as usual she was accompanied by her fans.
But you wonder why she didn’t postpone the outing having lost a lot in the fire incident. In this interview with she spoke extensively reaching out to women on the importance of guiding their emotions especially those who look up to their husbands/boyfriends as thin gods. “Women who make their boyfriends, lovers, husbands their gods are at risk. Reason is that when they are suddenly jilted, you see some of them getting so emotionally disturbed that they would need to be rehabilitated,” she said.

Your house got burnt barely four weeks back and still have the passion to visit Wellspring Rehabilitation Centre, Olowora, in Lagos and gave them lots of food items. Why is this necessary now?
Before the fire incident, I had already set aside date for this visitation/charity outing. The fire incident occurred in 5th of November and I had already chosen 5th of December for my outing. So, that was it.
Why didn’t you postpone it?
In fact, this is even a better reason to do it. The fact that God saved me is even a cogent reason for me to come out to do charity work.
Queen Ure right inside the centre counselling the inhabitants
Ure with her fans and friends