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Friday, December 11, 2015

I believe in falling in love but with my eyes open –Adaora Ukoh, Nollywood screen diva

Plus size  actress and 'Lekki Wives'Nollywood star, Adaora Ukoh, started acting before going to study Law at the University of Lagos. Big, bold and beautiful, she had featured in many movies but she rose to prominence with Black Bra and Lekki Wives. She tells Adaeze Amos that though she is still single, she is not searching because there is a man that occupies the love zone of her heart. Excerpts:
You looked stunning in a movie role you took up some time ago with a low shave of your hair. Are you considering having a skin cut as your style signature?
Thank you for the compliment. It also amazed me that I could look that good on a skin cut because I had never really considered shaving my hair. All the same, I must say that sometimes this skin cut trend is also boring after a while. That was why I gradually slipped back into growing my hair again. Skin cut as a style signature was not for me but funnily, some producers I worked with preferred that I wore skin-cut.

You played the role of a widow in that movie and you did it so well. Can you reach out to some widows in our country who are going through terrible situations in their lives right now because of ugly cultures and traditions?
I am a strong upholder of traditional values but not when they pose negative effect. All I will say is that some archaic traditions and cultures that seldom add value to humanity should go. As for widows who go through such terrible situations, they should brace up and stand for what is right without prejudice.
You had a TV programme called Divas Dynasty, what was it about?
Divas Dynasty was a 30-minute TV programme I hosted and co-produced with a friend. We use the programme to celebrate and encourage women who have excelled in their fields. We used their stories to reach out to the younger generation that they too can achieve their dreams if they put their minds into that. The first 13 episodes I hosted were shown on cable stations in the United Kingdom and Europe and also on Kingdom Africa TV channel on DSTV.
What’s your advice to plus-size ladies who get easily intimidated in the midst of slender ladies?
The truth that ladies who are plus-size should know is that they should carry themselves well. Self esteem matters a lot. By so doing you will be loved and adored by others irrespective of your weight. Confidence is the first key and rule to the game. You have to love yourself first. You are good no matter your physique. Losing your self-worth because of body size is wrong. Remember that most successful women in the world are plus-size, especially in Africa. I also preach the act of good-looking amid the fact that you are either big or small. Don’t stop your exercises, just to keep fit, and stick to the right diets.
Have you ever felt intimated or inferior among slender ladies?
Never ever and never will I.
You received a degree in Law at the University of Lagos; aren’t you missing Law practice, your wig and gown? Why opt for acting which you started even before gaining admission to study Law?
Not really because I haven’t even started practising Law at all to know what exactly I could be missing. But I love Law because it is a noble profession and has its way of making you a great individual, whether you practise or not.
Acting is almost a way of life for me because I started as a teenager. I should call it my childhood love.
Has your plus-sized figure ever robbed you of some roles?
Yes, quite some, though that does not deter me one bit because no matter how much the producer thinks, the roles are placed on size priorities. Everyone, whether big or slim, can’t fit into every role.
What actually keeps you going in the acting world?
My unique, big, bold and beautiful frame, which always stand me out. It’s a brand.
 Who did you aspire to be like that made you venture into acting? 
Queen Latifah, Monique, Oprah, aren’t they just amazing plus-size queens?
Which of your movies brought you to prominence? 
Black Bra basically and now Lekki Wives. 
How are you enjoying stardom?
 It has its ups and downs. I enjoy the ups which is also helping me deal with the downside but in all it’s an awesome experience for me so far. I just have God Almighty to thank for it all.
What is your high and low moment?
My high moment is when I am on set shooting, especially working with the right people and having a good time on set. My low moments are when I have to deal with bad stories about me and sometime emotional instabilities or work stress owing to tight schedules.
Do you believe in falling in love?
Yes, but with my eyes open.
You must have had a heart break? What did you do to wriggle out of pains when you had one?
I think I clubbed the more and danced my heart out.
Who is the man occupying the love zone of your heart?
He is a cool dude who does not enjoy publicity.
Are you considering getting married someday or are you engrossed in many projects?
Yes, marriage is just by the corner now starring at me in the eyes. It’s a necessity at some point in a woman’s life, remember? Or should I say tradition and culture said so. At the same time, I have projects also that keep taking my eyes away from it. But when the time comes, career will take a second place or I will find a great balance for the two.
What are the qualities of your ideal man?
He just has to be tall and dark. We have to find a body chemistry and if he is God-fearing, then that caps it all. But notwithstanding, I am not searching.
Has acting rewarded you financially?
Acting is good enough to put food on my table and as you know money no dey belle full. I still keep working hard for more. I thank God so far; He has been faithful.
How much are you worth?
I can’t tell you that numerically but it’s good enough.
Can you describe yourself in three phrases?
Big, bold and beautiful.

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