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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

‘No man in Nollywood can say Ebere Agu has ever opened her legs for him’

‘There is nothing I value more in life than my body’

Ebere Agu is one actress that does not mince words with her responses. She says it the way it is, giving answers to questions some would tag personal. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talked about her integrity in Nollywood and how she would never fall victim to sexual harassment.

As an actress, what kind of movie roles/scripts are you at home with?
Well, as an actress, my duty is to interpret every role being given to me. So, I’m at home with every role whether rugged or wacko. That’s my job!  That is why when I’m on my own,  I could be  soliloquizing  as if  I’m on set with another actor.  That is my own way of self rehearsal.

How far can you go to get prepared or well quipped for a role?
I can go far. I wouldn’t mind going to different states to learn their cultures and manner of communication. So that language   wouldn’t pose a problem.  I can even go to market places to interact with market women if my role has to do with that.
Who are movie producers you would love to work for and why?
I have so many of them. First and foremost is Mega Movies by Arinze Egezimba and  Onye Eze.  Why I love to work with them is because their movies are rare and not like the other ones that are common in the movie shops.
Where do you think script writers are not getting it right?
Some script writers have problem with repetition of movies. I won’t also forget to mention the fact that their movie titles seldom tally with the movies. That alone gets people confused.
When you are on a movie set, what do you find most fascinating?
When I’m on a movie set what I find fascinating is the way and manner production is being done.  How united actors are on location and how  prayers are being said first  before shooting commences.
African costumes in some Nigerian movies are indeed colourful, what is your view on this?
Yes our African costumes are really  colourful but I’m sure we can make it more colourful by avoiding repetition of same costumes in a different movies.  Reason is that I’m a movie person and many times I see the same clothes being worn or  being used again and again. That isn’t too good. I’m sure we can do better by bringing in different  colourful costumes.  
Do you think Igbo movies can help teach our children the language as some of them can’t express themselves well in that language?
Igbo movies can be high influence on our new generation because many of them don’t even understand the language, customs and traditions when given a role to do. That is why I love watching Yoruba movies because they put in their very best and each of their movies one must learn something out of it no matter how little. So, I’m sure if more efforts are being put into our Igbo movies we would do better than the Yoruba movies.
Do you watch movies you starred in?
Yes, I watch movies that I starred in so I can know my lapses and where I did not do well. I may not know I did it wrongly until I see it.
Have you interpreted movie role that later looked as if it manifested in your life?
No I have never experienced that and it would never happen by the grace of God.
What is the very movie role you dread?
 I dread nude roles. This is the very role I won’t be able to interpret. Reason is that there is nothing I value more in life than my body. Because my body is the temple of God and it can’t be seen anyhow. It is strictly  for my future husband because if I start such roles, I would have to continue and the man that would marry me in the nearest future may not like it. So, I wouldn’t want to involve myself in what would cause problem for me and my family. It’s better avoided than doing it and trying to fix it when it is too late and difficult. This is one of the things that cause lack of trust in marriage.
When you are on location who are those you are happy to see there?
Wow when I’m on the set or location people I feel happy to see are so many. First and foremost I would like to see my God mum Mama Gee, Brown Igbokwu, Ejiro Okurame, Pascaline Alex, Uncle Don P and so many of them that I love. Not forgetting Ebere Okaro, Cha-cha Eke Fanni and so many of them because all these people I listed here even when I’m not doing well or when I’m tensed by the director they there to cheer me up. You know some directors can be very mean and always want to put one under pressure .

Can anything make you quit acting in life? What do you remember acting for?
Nothing for now can make me quit my acting career because it’s my passion except God blesses me and I become a producer then I’m good to go aside from that.  I’m in love with the entertainment industry. Reason is that  it has always been my passion and I want to make an impact in the entertainment world no matter how long it takes.
What message do you have for up comers desperate for movie roles?
They shouldn’t cheapen themselves for movie roles and begin to sleep with movie producers. I say this because I can’t do it.  I’m someone that values her integrity so much. No man in the entertainment world or Nollywood can ever  say  Ebere Agu has ever opened her legs for him for a movie role.
But is that not happening?
Yeah it’s a trend, it is happening,  but  that is not  done  by big producers because they have far outgrown   that. So, my advice is don’t open your legs for anyone who is promising to help project you in Nollywood.  Because as soon as you start you would continue. But when you are known for being responsible, you would be respected. Though getting roles won’t be as easy as you think. But patience matters a lot in life, also one’s future is very important . Keep going for auditions and put in your efforts. And when you are given one scene, give in your best.  
How do you overcome sexual harassment which of course is seen in every profession/career?
It’s not a do or die affair. If you don’t want it, there is a polite manner in which one can address the issue and I’m sure if well handled, you and that the same person may even become best of friends . This has happened to me and the maturity with which I handled it made the person respect me till date.
Have you ever been tempted falling in love with an actor after a movie set?
No, I haven’t ever been tempted falling in love with an actor because when I’m on set I do my job and leave; that’s what  I was taught by my God mum.  Never to put emotions in my  job, do what I was sent to do and leave. Reason is that  if I start putting emotions then I would fall in love with every man I shoot movie with. So, how many of them will I fall in love with? There is no need for that and it’s never crossed my mind.
What is your striking prayer point concerning your acting career?
My striking prayer point in my career is that no one should take my place  and as I have come into Nollywood what belongs to me I will take it by faith; no one will take what God has for me in Nollywood.
What kind of clothes do you park to the move sets or locations and why?
I go with a lot of clothes, different clothes depending on the role I’m being given. It’s not like the costume isn’t good but most times I may not like what is given to me or it may not be my size. So, I always go with my clothes because the way you appear on set matters a lot. People are watching you and your manner of dressing likewise how you carry yourself. A good cloth has a way of projecting you in the entertainment world.
The year is about to wind up, what are you grateful to God for?
I’m grateful to God for my health, life, open doors, His grace and mercy. Most importantly  I was able to make new friends and discarded old friends who were not adding any value to my life.

1 comment:

  1. this cheap prostitute will open her legs for even a dog to get 5k talk more of a man for a Waka pass role.
