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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Four interesting things about Amby Opara, a model

She joined modeling world at 19
“Yes and that  gave me the opportunity to know about modeling early in life. It also helped me to know what it means to be a lady. In fact, it  was when I became a model that I  got to know that I needed to improve and work on myself. So, I would say that modeling  helped me boost my confidence and self esteem .
Amby and limelight
I hit limelight early too. And that could be fun and interesting but mind you it has its ups and downs. You may have numerous fans and some of them may want to do some crazy stuffs but I try to watch it. Luckily enough, I have not come across stubborn stalkers.
Lesson of life
Life has taught me a lot. The major thing is to be good to people, you wouldn’t  know who would be of great help to you. Life has also taught me to be patient, cool, playful and happy.
Best part of her body
My Legs! I’m ready to flaunt my legs anytime because I know I have got hot legs.

Today is my birthday. I give God all the glory for life, good health, my family and loved ones He gave to me.

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