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Monday, December 07, 2015

Being beautiful or ugly: What difference does it make in a woman’s life

This simple poser met with different reactions of five young ladies from different walks of life. went to town with this very question and these ladies reacted. I don’t know your own opinion, but feel free and send your comments. Your opinion counts too even as you read reactions of these four damsels.
All women are beautiful-Queen Siaka Nimat
Well, it depends on what our definition of what beautiful and ugly is. Because my own believe is that no woman is ugly. Every woman has a beauty that she posses. It might not be a facial beauty but inward thing which brings out more value and integrity in her. Beauty is relative as the case may be because a man’s food is another’s poison. God has created us fearfully and wonderfully in his own image and likeness. So, all women are beautiful in as much as a woman takes off any form of low esteem, takes so much pride in herself with full confidence, takes time to train her mind and brain, to stand out in a unique way. She is termed beautiful.
All women are beautiful because we have confirmed it from God. So, no such thing as being ugly. A goat can be ugly, any animal could be ugly, an object could be ugly but not women. All women are wonderful gifts from God to humanity.
Siaka Nimat, Beauty queen
Being beautiful is a door opener while verse is the case-Ruth Soma, model and  rap artiste:
I disagree with Queen Siaka Nimat. She was only trying to be nice and avoid the problems of critics. We are not sermonizing here or preaching the Bible. We have heard all these before. Her answer did not bring justice to the question. She is a beauty queen, she went for the pageant and she won. If all women are beautiful, there wouldn’t have been need for a beauty pageant in the first place. Let’s be realistic here and answer the question. One would easily say that beauty is skin deep or it is in the mind. Well, it is true. But I believe that beauty is both skin-deep and physical.  If beauty is only skin deep, there wouldn’t have been need for beauty pageants where a beauty queen is crowned. Judges considering the physical appearance-facial beauty, good body frame, height and sharp brain.
So, to me, physical beauty is a great door opener. Any woman that lacks it has a huge short coming. And if a woman is also blessed with the skin-deep kind of beauty, that is perfect! To answer your question which says ‘being beautiful or ugly: what difference does it make in a woman’s life?’ Being beautiful makes a whole lot of difference in a woman’s life. You would admire what you see first before you come closer to notice the inner beauty. Being ugly is a put off and that is why advertisers go for beautiful women who would attract buyers for their products. An ugly woman would have to put extra effort to be attracted to her first before you begin to notice her inner beauty. This is the fact! That is why today’s women strive to look beautiful by spending hours in salons and beauty spas just to enhance their looks. This is my candid opinion, I don’t care what the next person thinks. Ladies let’s all strive to look beautiful for beauty is a door opener. God Himself is beautiful! His creations attest to that.
Ruth Soma, model, rap artiste

Being beautiful gives a lady confidence-Olivia-Sandra, beauty queen
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But putting it in general term, being beautiful gives a lady confidence and this invariably means that being ugly rubs a woman of her self confidence. An ugly woman feels inferior in everything she does. She feels neglected and hides in her shell. Having said that, a pretty woman should also strive to have inner beauty because without that she can be said to be ugly inside. One cannot compare the social life of a beautiful woman to that of an ugly one. What do you think?
Olivia-Sandra, beauty queen
Beautiful women get more favours than ugly ones- Ifu Ennada, actress, TV presenter
First and foremost, I consider everyone beautiful and I especially look out for beauty beyond skin deep. This is the kind of beauty that should matter to everyone, but unfortunately most people only care about the beauty on the outside, the physical beauty.
Putting this into consideration, I would say that the ladies most people in our society consider beautiful sometimes get more favours than those the society considers ugly. This is evident almost in every industry. I once saw an advert for a skincare that only required fair ladies. These days most Nigerian music videos favour light skinned girls over dark skin. Even in public places, sometimes ladies who are considered beautiful get away easily with wrongs they do. On the other hand, girls the society consider ugly have to rely on their brain to build their way up.
Some of ugly women who suffer from low self esteem end up bleaching their skin and altering God’s original design for them in order to belong to the league our society calls beautiful. This is just sad. There is a wind of change blowing and some people are beginning to look beyond skin deep before they call you beautiful. Yes, some Nigerians are not fooled by the physicals any more. They are beginning to understand and appreciate what true beauty is.
Ifu Ennada, actress TV presenter
With new make-up technique discovered, anyone can look beautiful- Keira Hewatch, actress
In this day and age, physical beauty doesn’t necessarily mean much anymore because with each new make-up technique discovered, anyone can look beautiful in a flash. It’s more of an inner beauty, strength of character that people look out for these days, in my opinion.
Keira Hewatch, actress

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