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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

‘I now empower plus-sized beauty queens’

Mrs. Choice Hinkelmann
‘Here comes the founder of Miss Curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant’

Call her a go-getter, and you are not wrong. Or better still an amazon in the beauty world, you are of course right. The delectable Choice Hinkelmann is the  founder of Miss Curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant, a platform that has started empowering so many bold and beautiful Nigerian ladies. She  is also  the CEO of June-July Marine Ventures.   A graduate of Public Administration from Ambrose Ali University Ekpoma  (AAU). In this Interview with ADAEZE AMOS, this duchess of fashion who  bagged a certificate from House of Tara Beauty World as a makeup artiste unveiled what gingered her into starting a beauty pageant that is strictly meant for plus-sized Nigerian beauties.

How Miss Curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant came to be
Ever  wondered what gingered this black beauty  into starting a beauty pageant strictly meant for plus-sized ladies?  “Miss Curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant was born out of the zeal and passion I had  when I lost a bosom friend. She was very beautiful and fabulous, but the society, family and lovers call her unprintable names because she was fuller-figured.  That drained her self confidence. Hence, she never  for one day believed  in herself. Guess the next step she took when she lost all hopes?  She went abroad for a surgery just to become slender. She was that desperate and sadly she never came back alive? She died,  while striving to be slim. Her death really touched me and the emotional pains I  gave birth to Miss curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant. That was how the vision started and I started planning the pageant with the help of my friends and family.”
Importance of the beauty pageant to bold and beauitful ladies
This beauty pageant has today helped to regain self confidence in so many plus-sized ladies. “Yes, I now assist plus-sized ladies regain confidence in themselves.  I am always happy when I receive calls from such ladies on how they regained  their self  worth ever since I introduced the pageant. And such telephone calls  give me  zeal to continue doing what I have passion for.  And amazingly, the society has gradually  started realizing that plus-sized ladies are epitome of African beauty.”
Mrs Hinkelmann  has indeed given bold and beautiful ladies of  this country a platform to better their lives and society. “Miss Curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant is a platform mapped out to regain self confidence in plus-sized ladies. And shortly, they would be  empowered   in fashion, movie and modeling industries. People are beginning to realize that plus-sized ladies are real African beauties. But don’t misunderstand me when I say this.  I’m not  in any way encouraging obesity. But I’m an advocate of good  health, firm and shapely body for women with right curves.”
Popularity of the beauty pageant
Miss curvy Nigeria Beauty Pageant which  started last year has gained so much popularity. “Miss Curvy Nigeria started last year in 2014. I remember going to so many companies and organizations for sponsorship, but they turned me down because they never believed in my vision. They thought I was stupid because this kind of pageant is a new concept in this part of the world. I remember going to one particular company  for sponsorship.  The managing director  didn’t support my dream and I left his office in tears. But  thank God I didn’t loose hope. I continued, forging ahead, believing that this dream would not die. Good enough, my family and friends encouraged me, they believed in my dream because  they were there for me. So, I continued. I invested all my money in the project and it came out successfully in 2014.Since then,  I have not relented. It is now an annual event and I would continue. Hopefully, I would have more sponsors next year,” she giggled.
Her  excitement for the pageant
What thrills her most about the pageant?  “It is the way and manner plus-sized ladies get excited about my pageant. It gives them life and regains their self worth. I always  see the glint of joy in their eyes and that gladdens my heart. That goes to show  that I’m contributing to the betterment of womanhood by placing  a diamon-studded crowns on their heads. Maybe because I have always loved the fact that I’m a woman in  a male dominated society as ours. So, with what I’m doing, I believe I’m contributing my own quota to empower women in my own little way,” she said, finally.

1 comment:

  1. MissCurvyIsAscam,You lie Bitch.......If what you are saying is the truth,why is the first winner not in good terms with you anymore?
    What happened back stage at the last event when sandra won,with your male staff?
    You are promoting Plus size and you took the girls to the place to seduce guys for your event and you also gridning on a young rich dude,what was that for? Hmmmmm why the shelly cry after the event and how many girls eneded uo rude to you when the event ended? Peace.
