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Sunday, March 29, 2015


Koga Studios, the entertainment company popular referred to as ‘powerhouse’ of Nigerian entertainment has concluded works on the anticipated four-cast movie, The Visit. 

The Visit is Nollywood first ever four-man cast movie featuring Bayray Mcnwizu, Femi Jacobs, Nse Ikpe Etim and Blossom Chukwujekwu. Funke Fayoyin of The Gods are not To Blame fame directed the historic flick.

The Visit which was produced in 2014 made several media houses headlines and got a lot of attention for several reasons; the antecedent of the casts, the quality of equipment and antecedent of director. The icing on the cake according to movie critics that visited the set is the storyline.

A journalist and movie critic, Samad Biobaku who visited the set said Koga Studios is making history in the right way. ‘The kind of efforts that went into the making of The Visit communicates intent. The producer, Koga Studios didn’t want to play small and they made it clear with the quality of investment in the project.

For the first time, a production house is using two world-most expensive camera to shoot and has quality members of cast. That is huge’.
Speaking on the project, the director, Funke Fajoyin said it was a privilege to have worked on the movie project.    

‘It was a privileged to have worked on the project with this cast. These are great actors in the making. Nse is phenomenon. Femi Jacobs has been fantastic. He’s the kind of actor who gives you what you want. Bayray has been enjoying meteoric rise and Blossom is the kind of actor we call director’s delight. Working on this project with this kind of investment is an honour. I can’t wait for this movie to be out. This is the kind of ambitious project Nollywood should do. Am proud of Koga Studios’ she concluded. 

Robert Jeyibo, an official of the entertainment company said the movie should be ready anytime soon. ‘We have taken our time on the movie because our goal is to ‘set-the-proper-kind of history’ just as people have said. This is the first time a four-cast movie is done in Nigeria; we have had two-cast, three cast but not four-cast. A lot has gone into the movie; it will be available for people to watch soon. We will let people know if it will be in cinema or on our online TV. One thing that is however clear is that, the movie, The Visit will open new chapter in Nollywood’.
Femi Jacobs


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