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Monday, September 19, 2016

Fashion has opened doors for me and so many people around the world-Toke Oluwo, TV and Film Producer

‘I was given birth into a fashion conscious family’

Adetoke Oluwo, a TV and Film Producer, an International Fashion Reporter, a Content Developer, Digital Media Influencer and Strategist is a fashion duchess no doubt. She knows what to where and how to wear it. Check her out at glamorous events and you won’t be disappointed at what this style aficionado is donning. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talks about her dress sense, her passion for fashion and many more

Can we step into your world Toke? What is the latest about you?
You are welcome on board in my world. The latest about me is that  I am always evolving and learning new things because change is constant (laughs).  I recently finished a course in Screenwriting at the Met Film School London. I am enjoying owning a Style Inspiration Page on Instagram called " @stylegoestochurch. This is the number one thing that gets my attention every morning. Not just having a page that is inspiring but a page where hate comments and cyber bullying are not allowed.  My followers are really inspiring, fashionable and makes me believe in true love amongst strangers. (giggles).

A bit on your educational background. What did you study and which university did you finish from?
 I went to the University of Ibadan, Linguistics Department. I was a Social Director at some point so school was actually fun.
When did you start having interest/passion for fashion?
 Well, I'd say I was given birth into a fashion conscious family. You can't be an "Oluwo" and not be fashionable. My dad is from Ijebu Ode and oh so fashionable. He taught me everything about fashion while growing up. He ensured he got the best clothes for me, bicycle, everything that made me stand out amongst my peers. And my mum ,she is from Lagos state, so just imagine the combination. She had this "funky " style. From her hair to her clothes and Jewelry, it was all fashion and trends. So, my siblings and I never really had a choice than to love fashion as kids. I could also remember that as a teenager, Uncle Bayo ,Head Modela Modeling Agency came for a model search in Ibadan in 2001 and I was blessed to be picked by him. And that  landed me in my first Modeling Job which was a Coca  Cola (COKE) Billboard Advert. So that launched me into this Fashion/Entertainment Industry that I am today.
Do you believe that fashion is a tease, powerful and a great door opener?
 This is true! Fashion has opened doors for me and so many people around the world. How you look really is how people will address you. There is a slang commonly used in Nigeria. "PACKAGING"......Which is simply dressing to impress or composing yourself positively in public through fashion and more. One of the things I love about Nigerians is that we are fashion forward. We always dress to impress most of the time. It is in our blood! I can never stop singing it. Dressing well opens doors and opportunities. It speaks for you even before you introduce yourself. No one knows your bank account when you step into a room, remember? They see how fabulous or sloppy you look and trust me, you are immediately judged.
What are some common fashion blunders you would like to correct using this medium?
 I always say do whatever rocks your boat. There are no rules to fashion these days. Who would have thought years ago "rags" would be more expensive than normal clothes? Can't you see Kanye West is smiling more these days? I would just say find your style and rock it with confidence. Fashion is general, style is personal. Do You!
What determines your dress sense?
 My mood! I generally love African prints and  clothes that accentuate my curves. That I can rock sleeping but generally, I dress however way I feel.
What stands you out in the fashion circle and why do you think people admire your style?
 My confidence and not taking things too seriously. I am not enslaved to fashion. I just do me....So I think other people would answer that question more accurately, (laughs) because I don't know why they love my style.
Mention some Nigerian ladies you admire their styles and why?
 Wow! The list is endless! I have loads of people I admire on Instagram (because that is the latest market place everyone meets )
RONKE @therealrhonkefeller because she rocks prints so effortlessly, Cassey @casseybassey because she makes Men Inspired Fashion look so easy and classy  and oh she loves heels just like me. Folake Huntoon @stylepantry because  her style is just beautiful and achievable.Though a Guy, I really love Noble Igwe because he is a trendsetter.  He made our Agbada game strong.
How do you think the world would have looked like without fashion?
 Empty and sad!
You just handled Africa Fashion Week, can you relieve the experience and what wouldn’t you forget in a hurry about the show?
- Yes, I handled Media Production for the AFRICA FASHION WEEK NIGERIA 2016. The experience was awesome!  I have been producing fashion shows/events for years now but this stood out for me because I was able to appreciate Nigerians the more. Young Nigerians are taking over. Everyone is on that game of becoming something in life and not waiting for the Government. I met wonderful talents in the fashion Industry and it made me believe in Nigeria again.
What few words do you have for our Nigerian fashion designers?
 Nigerian designers should be supported! There should be a body in Nigeria that supports them financially. Many are talented but handicapped financially.  I just want to say they should keep up the good work and not get discouraged. It will end in praise soon
 What exactly stands you out on the red carpet?
My smile (laughs). I don't know, I just do me.
Fashion covers/conceals flaws, what part of you do you flaunt proudly?
Hmm! My Curves!  I must say and of course I don't wear anything that would expose my flaws....Don’t  ask me what that is. I really love to celebrate me and rock whatever I love. God has blessed me with a good body. I don't see flaws, I see uniqueness. Before now, I had trouble exposing my legs, I had insecurities about them growing up as a teenager. But now, I wear shorts more than maxis (giggles).
What is your life philosophy?
 Give! Never stop Giving and loving.
Name colours that tickle your fancy and why?
 I generally love bright colours!  But I tend to tilt towards red these days because it represents my persona more.

Flawless makeup

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