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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Celebrities share lockdown stories: As life has changed like never!

It’s no longer a surprise that the coronavirus or Covid-19 lockdown has made parks close their gates. Churches, gyms, banks, cinemas, schools, offices, cafes, club houses to mention but a few are also under lock and key.  In fact, life has changed like never!
 This looks like a dream, a nightmare of a sort, right? But it is indeed real! Some people have lost their loved ones in the hands of coronavirus while some lucky ones have their loved ones escaped death by whisker. Nollywood actress Thelma O’kazi for instance shared her testimony on her instagram page. “I almost lost someone very dear to my heart to this deadly disease. Lord Jesus I am grateful for the gift of life. I can’t even thank you enough and for all those still battling with Covid-19, I pray for God’s healing upon you all. To the health workers all over the world, may God keep you safe and God’s abundant blessings locate you all in Jesus name, amen!”
It is because of the deadly nature of this plague that people have been mandated to stay at home, where possible to shop for necessities (food stuffs); as a number of key workers continue to work with extra care.
Yours sincerely being a resident of Lagos state has been living in intense fear, yes fear of Covid-19 even as the number of confirmed cases soar by the day. Every night before sleeping, I’m confronted with unreal feeling and many questions especially after watching TV and getting to know the number of deaths caused by this plague.  Hence, I decided to sample the opinion of some celebrities on how they had been coping with Covid-19 lockdown. Below are their lockdown stories

I now clean my house 50 times a day- Hannah Ojo, actress
The fact that we can’t leave our houses the way we used to is crazy and frustrating. At the beginning, it was fun but now it’s no longer fun. It’s beginning to look like punishment. Though it is for our safety but it’s really getting unbearable. All I do now is eat, watch films, take care of my little baby, clean my house like 50 times a day. But all the same, I pray that we overcome this pandemic.
My advice to all Nigerians during this time is to keep staying safe in their various houses, do more prayers, keep social distancing, wash your hands regularly, use hand sanitizers where water and soap are not available. Eat good food, take multivitamins to boost your immune system. These are the only ways we can fight and control this deadly disease. And we should always remember that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, we shall all overcome Covid 19

This pandemic has really humbled us all-  Olaseni Abiola Obimodede, actress
My lockdown experience is  awesome and full of new discoveries about myself. Though at the beginning of the lockdown it wasn’t easy at all.  I used to be an active person, hustling with my clothing business here and there.  But all of a sudden we are all stocked at home and  things we used to do become history. Event centers, acting  locations, churches  to mention but a few are now memories.  I think God is using this period to pass a message across to us all  that we should move closer to Him and not to channel all our energy in chasing wealth, fame and money.
 One very thing I have realized about this pandemic is that it has really humbled us and opened our eyes to things that really matter.  Anyways, aside from not being able to make money, I  have been able to spend more time with my neighbors and my loved ones  while still observing social distancing. Moreover, I think I have just discovered a new me. More so, the very thing I won’t forget in a hurry with regards to this pandemic is the happiness I found in some mundane  things around me.   To all Nigerians, it is very important we stay at home so as to prevent further spreading of this virus and always remember that health is wealth.

Cassy B
Being away from my hubby in this hard times is my hardest experience-  Cassy B, musical artiste cum  CEO of OSSACT Unisex Boutique .
I never believed I will see a day like this where the whole world will be on lockdown and everything on standstill and all that people will care about is food and how to stay alive. It all started like a comic movie which developed into a scary one and now it has downed  on all of us that this whole thing is a real life thing. 
The whole experience has been over demanding and too hard to bear for everyone in the country and even the world at large, it’s been more than we thought it would be and now we’re all praying and hoping on stars it ends soon, especially me. 
I got married few months ago, December to be precise, my marriage had just been few months old and my husband needed to embark on an international business trip of two weeks, he left second week of march with the plan of coming back to the country by ending of March, he had only been gone for 2 weeks when the whole virus broke out fully in Nigeria and the first two weeks lockdown started, we both believed the two weeks was going to pass quickly and everything will be back to normal then he can return back, but the lockdown is on its 5th weeks now and still no idea when it will be over. So technically I have no idea when my husband will be coming home and on top of that our businesses are closed down and things are getting scarier and hard as the days goes by. 
  In my case, being away from my husband in this difficult times is the hardest experience of all, but I believe that this whole pandemic will soon pass and I encourage Nigerians to follow all government’s directives about social distancing, personal hygiene and avoid unessential traveling at this period . This too shall soon pass.
Carsandra Augustine, aka Cassy B,a musical artiste and also the CEO of OSSACT Unisex Boutique in Lagos and Kwara State and a graduate of Sociological and Anthropological studies from Kogi State University.

  When the first two weeks of lockdown was given, I stayed indoors for four days without seeing the outside of my house. On the fifth day, I decided to take a walk down my street and it felt awkward. I feared that if I breathe in, the virus will enter into my nose.  I was suspicious of everything and everyone I saw, so much that my legs were numb. The day I decided to walk down my street, it wasn’t easy for me. The ever busy street was empty and so quiet that I could hear sounds of everything. I managed to make it to the end of the street and walked back.  It wasn't funny that day, now I can say I've adjusted though sleeping has become a problem. What I will never forget in a hurry about this experience is how things can just change without a warning.  It's like one is being turned upside down.  The world has seen that human beings are nothing but puff of breath and that God is Supreme. Convid-19 is one hell of experience for all.

Yeye Adebambo Adetu
Covid-19 has swallowed my freedom and nothing can be compared with it- Yeye Adebambo Adetu, CEO Bajola Fabrics & Beads.
 During this lockdown, I realized a lot of things in this world. Firstly, I heard people saying it’s the end of the world but, deep down I knew the world is not ending. Lesson learnt is  "vanity upon vanity".  And it is good to have back up in all I do, to always prepare for unforeseen circumstances.
Really nothing can be compared with freedom in life.  After this virus, a lot of changes both in human beings and the way the world is run will change either positively or negatively.


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