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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Cross section of Lagosians frown at the easing of Covid-19 lock-down

Josephine Effah-Chukwuma
It is no longer news that on Monday 4th of May, 2020, Lagos State, Ogun and Federal Capital Territory (FCT) would ease the one month of lock-down.  But the question on the minds of so many is; does this actually mean that the coast is now clear or that the government is just putting the lives of her citizens at risk? Does this mean that there are no more Covid-19 cases?  Or better still, is this a matter of giving some Nigerians what they actually want, since many have been  complaining of boredom and hunger?  Have you for once  pondered over  the fact  that this may  worsen the case bearing in mind that  some Nigerians who think that Covid-19 is a scam may throw caution to the wind?  It is for this reason or reasons  that decided to get the views of cross section of Lagosians

Easing of lock-down at this point is suicidal- Josephine Effah- Chukwuma, Executive Director  Project Alert on Violence Against Women
"I have mixed feelings about this lifting of lock-down. While I understand that lock-down was a torture for a lot of Nigerians who are low income and daily earners  because the government did not play its own part of a carefully thought-out palliative plan; the easing of the lock-down at this point in time is suicidal considering the steady increase in confirmed cases. Imagine, within a week the figures doubled. Immediately the lock-down is eased, Lagosians would rush out recklessly like people freed from prison. I’m afraid of the consequences. Government has once again failed the people. Easing of the lock-down at this period is an acknowledgement that they have failed".

Josephine Effah –Chukwuma is a leading activist on gender based violence and women’s human rights in Nigeria. She pioneered the establishment of shelter for female victims of violence in Nigeria and is currently the Executive Director of Project Alert on Violence Against Women, a non-governmental organization that provides information on various forms of violence against women and support services to victims in Nigeria.  

Although lock-down is tough but is  being alive not better than death?- Nancy Nnamdi Nwaro, a Historian

"If we must curb the present pandemic , the lock-down must continue! Going by history in the Spanish flu, our people found 'stay at home' the only option. Though it was difficult or tough, but is being alive not better than death? My people in Igboland usually say that Aguru Nwere Nchekwube , Anaghi Egbu Nmadu. Meaning that (hunger that has hope doesn’t kill.)

Nancy Nnamdi Nwaro is a Historian, a wife and a mother of three

Personally I think the situation would worsen now-Zainab Leo, a fashionista, and entrepreneur 

"Easing the lock-down is not right to me but I think Lagosians with too much complaints  about hunger and lack of money  would not let the government  to do the right thing. If you have been observant, you will agree with me that they  have been numerous videos here and there about people complaining of hunger. Some said that hunger virus is more deadly than Covid-19. So, what do you expect the government to do? Personally I think the situation would worsen this time round.  Who would blame the government, after all, they want the population to reduce, what’s there own?"
Zainab Leo is a fashionista, entrepreneur and the CEO of Zee Creative Ventures

Relaxing the lock-down is exposure to this pandemic -Eke Uguru, a Historian

"Extension of the lock-down is highly recommended but our poverty- stricken -society cannot sustain this for long. I think relaxing the lock-down is exposure to this pandemic which we are yet to contain with effectively. So my take on this is that if you have to go out be smart and wise about it. Make sure  you wear your face mask and keep your hand sanitizer handy. But as for me and my household the lock-down continues
Eke Uguru is a Historian and a journalist


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