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Friday, May 01, 2020

Covid-19 lock-down is for our own good- Ene Ochu, actress, model and CEO Ene Ochu Foundation


Ene Ochu, an actress does not need much introduction. Reason is that her face is her signature. Initially, this Nollywood thespian frowned at the second phase of lock-down but later after seeing how wicked the pandemic is, she changed her mind. Now she is of the opinion that this one month of lock-down is for our own good.
 “The initial two weeks of lock-down was okay by me. I was at home with it because I saw it as two weeks of rest.  It was fun at first because I had to be with my family the more knowing that I am the type who travels a lot due to the nature of my job.
Also, I have been able to learn new skills at home which is a plus but when  another two weeks of lock-down was announced,  I said no way! I had plans for so many things that I planned to do.

But when I began to see the number of people and the caliber of people dying due to this plague, I then realized that this lock-down was for our own good and it must be carried out.
So, to all my friends, family and fans, I advise you not to worry! This lock-down time  is just a phase that will go and we will come out of it victoriously. Yes, we will come out safe and sound at the end of everything.
Just stay home and stay safe, wash your hands, use sanitizers and if you must go out, use a good face-mask.

                             Story By ADAEZE AMOS

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