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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

‘There’s nothing wrong with love-making in films -Linda Osifo,

 Linda Osifo is a model, On Air personality and actress. She was brought up in Toronto, Canada. At the age of 12, she played lead roles in her school theatre. While completing her Psychology degree in York University Canada, she participated in various beauty pageants, emerging 1st runner-up inMiss Nigeria Canada and 2nd runner-up in Miss Africanada. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she speaks about her passion for acting among others

Tell us about your upbringing.
I was born in Benin, Edo State. I am the middle child and the first daughter of my family. I had moved to Canada at the age of nine and lived there for 15 years. However, I'm very excited and proud to be back home and focusing on my career.
During the early stages of my life, I had the opportunity to school in Nigeria for my primary education in Benin City. I continued my secondary education in Canada. I went on to study Psychology in York University Canada, where I later obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree.

Have your parents been supportive of your acting career?
My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor. But I opted for Psychology and later moved into showbiz. I started acting professionally because I've always been an extrovert. I participated in school plays, and got involved in my church drama department. Also, I had contested in two major beauty pageants during my teenage stage. I realised performing arts was more than a passion for me, it was something that I wanted to take seriously as a career. It felt like acting was my calling and not just something that I simply enjoyed. I made my decision in late 2013, after I had finished schooling, to come back to Nigeria. But, the most amazing part of my decision is how well my parents supported me and have continued to support me through this journey.

What are some of the movies you have starred?
Some of the few productions  that I have been involved in since 2014 are ‘Family Secrets’ which is a  soap opera, ‘King Akubueze’, ‘Heal my pain’, ‘Going to America’,  ‘Oasis’, ‘Bedlam’, ‘Desperate housewives Africa’ and ‘Tinsel’. Ever since the debut of ‘Desperate Housewives Africa’, I would definitely say that my career has been picking up quite well, because I play as one of the leads in it. It's nice when people know your face based on a professional film work that you have acted in.

Which is the most challenging?
As strange as it might sound, I am yet to play a challenging role in a movie. Because I haven't come across a film that has extremely challenged my ability in a very intense way. It sure would be great to be part of a phenomenon film project that would be challenging for me.

What’s your impression about Nigerians starring in sex films?
It's true that some Nigerian actresses are being starred in sex movies because of money. First of all, I must say that there is nothing wrong with love/sex making in films when it's done very professionally because films are a replica of real life stories. However, I am not that daring when it comes to playing sex roles in films, especially if the motive is for money.

What’s your opinion about Nigerian divas that post naked pictures on the net?
I don't judge people based on the decisions they make in life. It's their choice. When people choose to post naked pictures on the internet for stardom, it's a choice that they believe would work well for them.  Sometimes, it does and they are ready to pay whatsoever the outcome is. It is not the path that I am interested in.

What thrills you most about your acting career?
What thrills me is how one can tell a story in such beautiful and artistic way just by using the forms of body, verbal and facial language. What thrills me also about acting is the beauty of being able to transform yourself into a completely different character.

Has acting robbed you of your privacy?
Yes, but I still live a normal life like most people. I wouldn't say being in the public eye robs me of my privacy completely. Of course, it limits what I can and cannot do both publicly and privately, especially when you may have young individuals who look up to you as a role model.

Who are you aspiring to be like in Nollywood?
I am not aspiring to be like anyone in Nollywood or Hollywood. I am Linda Osifo. I simply look up to and learn from talented veterans in the industry such as Joke Silva, Omotola Jalade and actresses such as Angelina Jolie, Kimberly Elise and many talented others in both Nollywood and Hollywood industry.

How daring are you in romance roles?
I have played some romance roles. For those who have seen me act in the popular soap opera, ‘Tinsel’, the character, ‘Nina Fire’ I played a very intense romance role that involved kissing and more. I believe it's something that comes natural when the story line is good.

How do you cope with sexual harassment in Nollywood?
There are cases of sexual harassment even in Hollywood too. It's one of those sensitive cases that I pray to God never to fall a victim to! I can only try not to be involved in situations that can lead to such because, unfortunately, there aren't many authorities that people can report such cases to here in Nigeria.

Are there some roles you would turn down no matter the amount at stake?
There are roles that I would turn down! Only for professional reasons and that is based on the story line of the script. It's not every film you need to act in.

Can you define your style?
My personal style in one word is classy. I like to keep my fashion sense as simple and classy as possible.

What fashion accessory forms a larger part of your wardrobe?
 I am a shoe addict! Not just any shoes, but high-heeled shoes. High heels definitely make up a large part of my wardrobe because I believe that shoes are what makes or breaks a lady’s outfit.

What part of your body wouldn't you mind flaunting?
Fashion truly is about flaunting your good sides and concealing your flaws. The part of my body that I would say I am comfortable enough to flaunt is my legs.

What is your life philosophy?
My philosophy of life is to never settle for anything less than your vision. In other words, we all have dreams to be the best in whatsoever we do. If something will limit you or even make you stagnant, then don't settle for it. I have always believed that hard work pays off and takes time but one should work smart as well. Most importantly, to pray very hard to God and have faith in all you do.

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