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Saturday, October 17, 2015

‘I regret having tatoos’-Anu Sosanya, actress cum movie producer

One very celebrity who has joined the league of those that regret having tatoos on their body is Anu Sosanya. So, ladies, if you are thinking of going for a tatoo soon, first read this true confession.
“When tatoos were hot some years back, I was one of the first that went  for it. And because of my  faith in God, I chose to have the sign of cross on my arm because it minsters Christ to me; so I thought.  I also had another design on my neck and hidden part of my body. I felt cool when I had them, at least as a celebrity, I needed to be abreast with vogues of the moment.
 But later on in life when I started listening to sermons properly and attentively, I discovered that God does not like one leaving a permanent mark or marks on the body.  That it is not proper,  He frowns at it. That was when I started  regreting  having tatoos on me. Honestly, I now wish I never had it. I regret having it. I want to advise those who hadn’t any but are longing to have not to do it. You are more beautiful the way you are please. I regret having mine. So, if you are having the urge to do it, don’t yeild to that urge. Give it sometime and that urge would fizzle out. I never had a second thought before doing mine, if not I wouldn’t have gone for it.
At times when I look at my tatoos, I tell myself that it’s okay, it’s cool but I know that within myself, I regret having it. I try to console myself by being bold about it but right inside of me, I regret having it. And guess what? Removing my tatoos would mean going for laser surgey which of course is more painful," she bemoaned.

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