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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Actress Sophia Williams describes her true self

 'I'm never a failure; rather a diva, a mogul'
You are exactly what you think of yourself. The way you see yourself reflects in you and around everything you do. Yes, how you view yourself is what comes to you. It sticks like a leach and begins to reflect in your life. Could that be why men of God keep preaching that one should begin to think good of himself and good things would come.
Little wonder Sophia Williams , an actress, diva, mother of three and Hair Empire boss describes herself as thus: “I’m never a failure, always a lesson, I’m a diva, a mogul. I live for me and your opinion doesn’t matter.”

Did you hear her well? So, what do you think of yourself? Pause and ponder over this. Give yourself  a moment of reflection.

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