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Monday, January 11, 2016

Women make the world happen-Constance Nwachukwu, CEO Fab_Fabrikz

 ‘I’m happy to be a woman ‘cos’ I can bring lives into the world’
Dark skinned Constance Nwachukwu  from Ebonyi state is an entrepreneur.  She is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)  of Fab_ Fabrikz, dealers  in fabrics.  Though she obtained a degree in Mass Communication from Abia State University, Uturu, this fashionista followed her heart. “My heart has always been in fashion.  It was the undying love I have for fashion that drove me into selling fabrics and today I’m doing well. And for the fact that I was born and bred in Abuja has helped in boosting my business. Reason is that in the capital territory, life has always been fun and competitive. You would always strive to be the best in every facet of life-singing, dancing, acting and even in dressing up. So, dressing up, which I know I don’t joke with, has  made me focus my attention on fashion which of course is my major business today,” she said, as a matter of fact.

Did you ask what fashion means to this fashion consultant? “It means a whole lot. I do tell my clienteles that fashion is a combination of what you wear, how you wear what you wear, how what you wear makes you feel. Most importantly how you combine all this together to make you a fashionable person. Your fabric is one of the most important piece of your fashion item, as such you must be very careful the way you choose your fabrics. Reason is that you cannot say you are a lover of fashion when you do not love and pay adequate attention to your fabrics. A lot of people in our society say they are fashion incline but they do not know the right fabrics for their body type. That is too bad,” she stressed.
What beats the imagination of this style icon is the very mistake that is still common in our society. “That mistake is the fact that  people are yet to know the fabrics that suit their body type. Know it that different fabrics have different kinds of body type they sit well on. So, when it comes to picking fabrics, you should consider your skin type, your skin colour and your body shape. As there are different body types, so also are different fabrics to suit body types,” she counseled.
Hence this fabric consultant unveiled some tips/fabrics-shopping-guidelines that would guide you when buying fabrics. “First decide on the style you want to go for before heading for the search, that way, you would know the kind of fabric to get. Secondly, remember that not every fabric goes down well on every style. Also, remember that when you identify the right fabric for your style, ensure it sits well on your skin. You can do this by placing the fabric on your skin and with one glance you can see the balance or blend.
 Lastly, be sure of the quality by feeling the fabrics. Note the difference in weight, texture and shine. You mustn’t buy all your fabrics in one store, feel free to window shop at the other  fabric stores and compare your prices,” she counseled.
Aside from fashion, one other thing that makes this Ebonyi state born happy is that she is a woman.” I’m happy to be a woman at least for the simple fact that I can freely express myself in the fashion world and I can bring lives into the world. Hence, I have never regretted being a woman. Women make the world a better place. Can you imagine a world without women?  It’s unimaginable. We make the world happen,” she giggled.
Did you say she sounded as if the world of women is the best where haters are not seen? “It’s true that in the world of women, you still find haters. But, it’s not all women that hate. I for instance don’t hate, what for? I’m a happy-go-lucky-person and I’m a hard worker who have less time for frivolities.  Some hate because of their level of success. If every lady works hard and attain enviable position in life and not wait on moneybags  to offset  bills, there would simply be no time to hate anyone. That is why guys don’t hate, they are all busy making money and changing the world . We ladies should follow suit. The truth is that when you are busy working, there is little or no time to hate or idle away,” she nodded.

Lesson life has taught her? “Life has always taught me to  put my best in everything  I do, no matter how little the task is and my life philosophy is  whatever that  is worth doing, is what doing well, so if you must do it, give it your best,” she said finally.

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