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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

‘Getting married isn’t a big deal but staying married is most important-June Ebube, fashion designer

Women should be open to ideas, wear what fits and keep looking gorgeous-June Ebube, Fashion designer

She is indeed a fashionista who has dressed so many celebrities and style icons.  A great lover of fashion little wonder she stands out in the crowd. When it comes to red carpet retro, she is hot and turns heads to her stylish self. This fashion pundit is no other than June Ebube, the Chief Executive Officer Joon Clothing Nigeria. A graduate of Literature and English from University of Nigeria Nsukka.

She studied Literature but you wonder why she enmeshed in fashion. “Fashion for me started with the need to fill in the gap for my friends.  I would take my time to style them and they would come out looking dashing. What I used to do was to sketch the styles I needed to design for them, buy fitting fabrics and take them to a tailor. That was how I started and overtime clients started coming to me for sketches and style ideas. I later discovered that I became quite passionate about seeing them smile after a design was made for them. It grew from that point onward,” she recalled.
But has she ever  nursed the ambition of being a super fashion designer from childhood you may ask.Let me say that growing up, I wanted to be a lawyer. Then it changed to wanting to be a writer that was why I went in to study Literature in the university. But then, my parents thought I would opt for music as I was always involved with the choir anywhere I found myself. But fashion took over in my final year in the university,” she enthused.
Meaning that she is a fashionista as fashion has taken over the better part of her. A peep into your style would be awesome. “Yes, awesome indeed,” she giggled. “I have always loved the vintage look, most especially inspiration from the 60s,  but I love to mix it up with Ankara or African prints to show that I am African. I do have street styles as well for everyday activities,” she stressed.
Little wonder she is always well prepared  for red-carpet. “Wow, red-carpet for me is glamourous, proper hairdo, a fitting flowing gown  with fitting accessories. I love the natural make-up, with nude lip colour,” she gesticulated.
Wonder what really inspires her designs? “My designs are mostly inspired by vintage, fashion from the 40’s 50’s and 60’s. But I love to add Ankara and a modern twist to my designs,” she nodded.
She imagines what life would have looked like without fashion. “Fashion makes the world go round. Designers all over the world draw inspirations and ideas from one another. They create innovations and networking. Fashion allows people to create their own sense of style, even without being a fashion designer. In fact, without fashion the world would be a boring place,” she said, as a matter of fact.
She tries to point out five fashion accessories she loves and places them in scale of preference.Five accessories I love are shoes, bracelets, handbags, belts and earrings. In fact, I wouldn’t mind spending a fortune on a gorgeous pair of shoes.
 And what I wouldn’t be caught doing in the fashion world is that I would be caught wearing a particular colour from head to toe. For example I wouldn’t be seen wearing a red dress, with a red handbag and red pair of shoes with red nails,” she enthused.
 Fashionistas she admires? “I admire Eku, Genevieve Nnaji and Stephanie Okereke Linus because they can wear anything and still look gorgeous in them,” she asserted
Her beauty routine is not what would make her go bankrupt. “I use fruit extracts both morning and night for a fresh face. I dance a lot to keep fit and I take evening walks everyday.
Ebube does not just go for any man. She has good qualities she looks out for. “My ideal man must love God with everything in him. He should be tall, dark, handsome and hard working with dream and aspirations,” she laughed loudly.
When she had the last heartbreak she did some right things to wriggle out of the pain. “Hmm, I cried my heart out, ate ice cream and chocolate then I sat down and wrote poems. I document most of my poems on heartbreak,” she recalled.
To single ladies who are overripe for marriage and they are still single, she has some words. Getting married is not the end product, it’s not a big deal, but staying married is what is important as well as finding your purpose to life. This makes you know who you are and what is most important in life. So, don’t rush into marriage. Take your time,” she counseled.

She gave some  words of advice to Nigerian women and  fashionistas. “Be open to ideas. Wear what fits and keep looking gorgeous. Blend your colours well. You know colours are key in fashion.  Me in particular,  I love the use of colours. I use colours  to create something innovative and beautiful. The end product usually  is the smile on my client’s  face.

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