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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Life has taught me never to rely on man but God- Angela Mathew, actress

‘My legs and face are hot!’
 Angela Mathew from Ebonyi state is an actress. Though she is studying Business Administration in school but acting still remains her passion. Born in a family of eight, the fifth child of the family who resides in Lagos with her sister talks about her life philosophy, lesson life has taught her and why she only relies in God and not man.


A bit on your educational background. What did you study and from which university did you finish from?
I’m studying Business Administration at Ogitech  
What do you remember about your childhood with great nostalgia?
I remember cooking using an empty tin and asking other kids to dance and catwalk before they could eat out of my food. Each time I remember this and I usually laugh my head off.
When you were growing up which actress were you aspiring to be and why?
While I was a child, I aspired very seriously to be like Genevieve Nnaji because I loved the way she felt at home before the camera. Her unique ways of interpreting movie roles has always made me dreamt of being like her even till date.
Who are Nigerian actors that have made great impact in your life and how?
Mercy Johnson, Funke Akindele and Genevieve Nnaji. They made me realize that no matter your background in life, you can be what you wish to be if you are determined, do what you love to do with a great passion and look up to God for blessing.
What lesson has life taught you as an actress?
Life as an actress has taught me to be great in life and not depend or rely on anybody because man can fail at any time. Life has taught me to be positive and truthful in every aspect of life because only then will my life be at rest.
What is your life philosophy?
My life philosophy is believing in God only and not man
What makes you unique in the fashion world?
What makes my style unique in the fashion world is the way I combine or blend my colours and the combination of clothes I wear. I don’t copy sheepishly neither do I follow vogue blindly.
What is your selling point?
My selling point is my face
If you are asked to sell a product being an actress and a model, what do you think would be the right concept to use?
If I’m given a product to sell, the first concept I would consider is to introduce the product positively to people or clients. Make the product visible. Then I would approach clients in a way that would make them listen to me while I talk to them about the product. I would be bold not relenting when I’m doing my talk. That’s key because people react to what they hear and see tremendously.  
Fashion is about covering your flaws and flaunting if need be your hot sides. What part of you do you consider hot?
My legs and face are hot!
What was the craziest thing a male fan has ever done to you?
I have never had any crazy thing from my fans. Reason is that the way one presents herself matters a lot. I present myself well and for that reason I have never experienced any crazy reaction from any male fan of mine.
What kind of books do you read and why?
I love to read good books because reading broadens one’s mind. So, I love to read books especially the ones that boarder on business administration and entertainment.
Can you name movies you have starred in?
House 2 Unlimited, Where There is No Hope, Child Trafficking and many more that I can’t remember for now.
Which one was the most challenging?
The most challenging is the movie I did some five months back with Mama G which is titled Child Trafficking. I played the role of a prostitute in that movie and that was my first time of interpreting such a role.
What thrills you most in what you do as an actress?
What thrills me most is taking the character of someone and interpreting it very well. And using my roles to teach people good lessons of life.

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