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Saturday, April 16, 2016

The part of my body I love most is my backside-Joy Elejo Egbunu, actress

 'I get turned off when co-stars turn up late to location and give flimsy excuses'
 Black skinned and beautiful Joy Elejo Egbunu is proud to come  from Kogi state. She is from Igala by tribe. This bubbly homely girl who takes her business seriously feels at with personal questions and answers them with ease. She lives by the mantra ‘live life to the fullest because you never know when you breath your last.’ In this interview she talked about her acting career and her dress sense.
A bit on your educational background?
I studied Mass Communication at the University of Jos.
Aside from passion which many actresses clamour on for joining the movie world, what other reasons made you become an actress?
I have always craved to be on the TV, so it wasn’t a surprise to anyone who knew me that I chose that path.

If you weren’t an actress what else would you have opted for?
I would probably opted for fashion designing. Yes, I wouldn’t mind being a guru in the fashion designing world.
What else do you do aside from acting?
I run a home delivery cuisine service as well as buying and selling everything about women including fashion and cosmetics
What thrills you most in what you do as an actress and what puts you off?
I get the kicks every time there is a camera in front of me and that reminds me of how lucky I am to possess such an acting prowess.  I get turned off when co-stars turn up late to location and end up giving flimsy excuses.
When you are down, what do you do to be inspired?
The fact that I’m still breathing is an assurance that things will only get better. I would say that whenever  I remember that I’m still alive, I’m inspired.
You know how to strike good poses before camera, how did that part of you evolve?
Oh, wow, I never knew that until now. Each time I go for a photo-shoot, I always ask the photographer to tell me what to do as I’m terrible with striking poses and each time I make an attempt on my own, he is like yea, I like that. So, basically it happens naturally.
You have been an actress of great repute, what is your staying power?
My staying power has got to be the grace of the most high God because the film industry is not an easy one. If you think you are good, several others equally are so if it isn’t God’s grace, I wonder what else it is.
What have you been doing to give back to the society /humanity?
I have been doing a whole lot to humanity and I do it underground behind cameras. I don’t like disclosing what I have been doing.
Who are the Nigerian veteran actresses you admire and why?
I admire Taiwo Ajayi Lycette because of her tenacity, her carriage, her diction, her acting prowess;  all in one gives me the bumps anyway. I have watched her since I was little and I’m still watching her till date. My other choice would be Joke Silva and for same reasons as the former. I have worked with her on several movies and the experience was awesome.
Fashion is about covering your flaws and flaunting if need be your good sides, what parts of your body wouldn’t you mind flaunting proudly and why?
I wouldn’t say there is a particular part of my body I flaunt. I have got a very good physique and I wear clothes that suit my body type. The part of my body I would say I love most should be my backside.
Have you ever contemplated  bleaching your skin? If not why?
I have never for once attempted bleaching my skin because I’m not comfortable with the idea. I treasure my black ebony shinny skin too much to want to change it. Would you believe if I told you I just recently started using a body cream? Reasons for that being that I sweat a lot and to me it doesn’t make sense to step out of the bathroom and apply body cream only to start sweating and wiping  it all off.
What stands you out in the fashion world?
My style actually goes with my mood. Sometimes I’m eccentric, other times, I’m boyish and chic. So, you can basically say that I’m an all rounder. Bottom line is that I wear whatever suits my body type.
What stands you out in the fashion world?
Do I really stand out in the fashion world. I don’t think so but one thing is certain  though. I don’t joke with my hair and that is the reason I change my hairstyle every week
What gives you boldness on the red carpet?
I love to strut the red carpet a lot because I’m never found wanting. I have got the look, the poise, the carriage, the personality and the body.

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