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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Six questions/statements most African pregnant mums hate

Some African pregnant mums hold some traditional values and beliefs so extreme that there are some things they consider personal. Questions they would think twice or even trice before they answer. Yes, information they would like to keep to their minds. Hence  they are confronted with such questions, they seldom give you answers. Want to know questions you shouldn’t ask any pregnant woman unless you are very close to her? Below are such questions.
Who is responsible for your pregnancy? It’s a taboo to ask a married woman who is responsible for her pregnancy. And an insult to ask a single lady who give you belle sef. Don’t be surprised if you receive a dirty slap for this very question. Reason is that it’s none of your business whose pregnancy it is. Or haven’t you heard of an old  cliché that it’s only a pregnant woman that knows the real father of her baby both born and unborn.

When are you due for delivery? It is true that ideal date for delivery is not always known. Even doctors would give you two weeks before your expected delivery date or two weeks after. So, when one begins to be inquisitive about a woman’s expected date of delivery most African expectant mums may not answer you unless you are close to them. They most often prefer to keep the month they are due for delivery close to their hearts. This is the fact and if you persist, they begin to suspect you. So, avoid this question.
Have you know the sex of your unborn baby? If you are pregnant with your third baby or fourth and your previous  children are all females for instance, some inquisitive fellows would be eager to know if you have known the sex of your unborn baby via scan. Those who already know their unborn baby is not the expected sex would find it annoying to answer you. So, it’s always better not to ask unless you are told.
You look ugly in this pregnancy, why?:  This is one very question that puts many of them off.  There is every tendency for nose and lips to get swollen or even the whole face to get bloated due to pregnancy but on a more serious note, there are better ways to put this very question. If you don’t know how, it’s better you keep your observations to yourself.
Have you been going for your antenatal clinics at all?: This can sound insulting especially if there is an information an expectant mum ought to know and she is ignorant of it. This question may sound insulting for goodness sake.
Your tummy is damn too big, how many babies are in there? Some pregnant mums may not be in the mood all the time to entertain this question because they have a lot they are thinking about. Yes, many things running riot in their minds and they least poser they want to answer is this very one. It’s nobody’s business if the number of the unborn baby is one or two. 

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