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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Treat your housemaids better now that you are pregnant

Some women are unbearable when they are pregnant. This is the fact! Even doctors have confirmed this, hence they blame it on change of hormones. But be that as it may, try to be nice to those living with you, especially those who serve you (clean your house and cook your meals.) Did you ask what benefit could that be, after all  you pay them for their services? Well this little story you are about to read may interest you.
Yours sincerely went to visit a friend the other day and I overheard two housemaids discussing about their madams. My friend and I eavesdropped on them and laughed. Guess what the twosome had in common? They were both housemaids from same state.

So, that day as they were both washing their madams’ clothes, their mouths too were busy as they chatted like weaver birds. The maid whose madam was heavily pregnant started first. “Ever since my madam became pregnant, she has been very wicked to me. I don’t know if she wants to deliver another Jesus for goodness sake. She called me on the phone from her church the other day asking me to  prepare Egusi soup with pounded yam.  She didn’t just stop at that. She said I should pound the yam well else if she sees any seed in it, that thunder would fire me and my late mother. When I heard that, I swallowed it like a bitter pill and answered in affirmative as usual.
“I then took my time to really pound her yam making sure everything was smooth the way she usually wants it. I served the dish and waited for her to come back. Immediately she stepped into the house, she complained that she had changed her mind that my Egusi soup I took my time to prepare was offensive to her nose. She then said she preferred yam porridge instead. As I was removing the plate of pounded yam, she looked me very closely and asked if I was frowning. That thunder would fire my mother. That really annoyed me because I hate it when my poor mum in her cold grave is being cursed or abused verbally.
“Before the yam porridge was ready, she called me and said she had changed her mind, that she would want to drink tea and bread. She sent me out to buy bread as late as ten pm. Then all the shops in my neighbourhood were closed. I couldn’t get bread to buy. When I came back without a loaf, you needed to have seen the hard knock she gave me on my forehead,  Powerful knock, as if I’m a little child. I’m 27 and old enough to be in my husband’s house. It’s just that condition has made it difficult for crayfish to retain its normal shape,” she said, in an emotion-laden -voice.
When her friend saw tears dribbling down her cheeks, she begged her to stop crying and she did.  When she was done with sobbing, she continued from where she stopped, this time in a hard voice. “When she gave me a hard knock, I nearly pushed her down not considering she was heavily pregnant, yes I nearly fought her! The worst she would have done  was to sack me. The day I would beat that girl ehn? I would beat her mercilessly. Is it because I call her madam? She is not older than me. The day I would deal with her, I would make sure I do it when nobody is there, then I would take my leave,” she said, angrily.
Have you seen why it’s always  better to be nicer to people around you now that you are heavy? Yes, be nice to those around you, nice to your subordinates in your place of work, nice to your man that is responsible for your unborn baby. Reason is that if you nag him too much because you are pregnant, he would look for a way to avoid you.
In fact, the worst thing a pregnant mum would do to herself is to be nasty to her chef or the housemaid that prepares her meals. Don’t offend her to the point of poisoning your food. If you think it cannot happen, think twice!

So, be nice! It doesn’t cost you a dime to treat your chef (maid) nicely. Even if your appetite swindles which is very common with pregnant mums, still make a new order but nicely. And remember to say thank you when you are served.   

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