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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dressing up gives me joy-Queen Nsofor, fashion blogger

‘My style slogan? Be who you want to be in a dress’
Queen Nsofor affectionately known as Smilicious in the Fashion world is a style aficionado. She is the founder and face of, the latest fashion blog on the internet. This diva who studied International Relations unfolds her journey into the Fashion world in this interview with ADAEZE AMOS.

What do you think about the fashion industry in Nigeria?
Thankfully, we have evolved immensely. More needs to be done to make our fashion industry world standard. We need to continue to campaign to Nigerians to buy made in Nigeria items. It is a tall dream but the only way to make it achievable is to first, put a standard in place so that Nigerians will get quality products that are made in the country. We have improved but we need to do more to make our fashion international standard.

Can you let us into your into your Fashion blogging journey?
When I was a kid, I played and dressed up with my dolls and later on played and dressed up myself. I have always loved to mix and match different clothing to create the best ways to wear clothing items that I already own for a stylish look. And to share my personal fashion ideas. I also want to make an impact on the way ladies dress and present themselves. That is where it all started. One other strong motive that made me start a fashion blog is because dressing up gives me joy. Being able to nicely combine fashion piece together gives self satisfaction. I am passionate about fashion because you can subtly express yourself through your dress sense.  More so, to make women understand that fashion goes beyond shopping expensive pieces and putting them together on yourself. Finally, to help women understand the need to dress appropriately or dress according to the occasion.
What do you wish for humanity?
I derive joy in helping people. Lending my talent to help the needy. I wish that one day, there will be enough food in the world to feed all the children in the world so that no child would go to bed with an empty stomach. Presently, I am a breast cancer awareness volunteer. I also belong to the Nigerian Red Cross and a certified first aider.

You studied International Relations, why go into Fashion blogging?
 At some point in my life, I wanted to be a model, but due to my height I did not really go far in that career.
What is your style slogan?
I would say my style slogan is “be who you want to be in a dress”, because fashion is expressing who you are, it goes beyond looking good and staying stylish. Because Fashion is more like what’s on the outside, while style is the inner you, a combination of the two defines how you, your inner self can connect with what is on the outside. What I am saying is how you feel about yourself attracts the right fashion for you. If you think of yourself as a ‘king’, you will only want to buy clothing that reflects royalty. That is what fashion style is all about. What you think of yourself and how you can match your thoughts with what is inside of you. Every woman needs to find her true style and express herself the right way.
What fashion item forms a larger part of your wardrobe?

Shoes!  I love shoes a whole lot.

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