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Monday, May 30, 2016

It's high time sisters in the body of Christ are celebrated

Sisterhood: And what about it?
Hello sisters,
I guess you are all good! Here of course is a new column that would be unveiling everything about sisterhood. Sure you are excited about this, aren’t you? I am as well, completely thrilled!
Many would be wondering why we are giving due attention to this column  or what they stand to gain from it. Well, you are not out of place to wonder. But first and foremost, let’s beam our search light on what sisterhood is all about, what the word means.

The dictionary meaning of sisterhood is a close relationship between women who share ideas and aims. A group of women who are in the same community together, especially a religious one. So, based on this definition, it is then high time we had a column that would talk about (us)sisters in the vineyard.
 This column would be unveiling everything about sisters- ranging from true friendship, faith, spiritual growth, self care, pregnancy, relationships (how to have integrity in your relationships with God and others), family, marriage, lessons life has taught you as a daughter of Zion, parenting, health issues that concern us and how to nib them in the bud, kitchen affairs and a whole lot.
Hold your breath for we are not done yet! Issues about courtship, women’s ministry, interviews on sisters who ought to be applauded for their zeal in Christ, mentoring, work/career, just name it are interesting topics that would take the major space in this column.
It’s going to be brief, not boring, engaging, spicy and so rich that you would you salivate for more. In other words, there would be no dull moment here and that’s a promise!
 Did you ask why? It’s because we are going to be doing it together. Still confused? Well we are going to carry every sister along, we would give you our undivided attention when you have stories to share with us. So, if you have any experience/story you want to share  that would enrich our souls and give the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, please feel free and come to us. Or if you have press interviews you can grant us that would edify, we are game! 
We would be out every Sunday, so don’t miss any edition because there would be no room for republishing of stories. Keep your fingers crossed as we dish you with sizzling feature stories/ personal interviews, chats, talks just name it that would make you thank God for making you a daughter of Zion.
Once more, you are welcome on board!

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