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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

John Dumelo wouldn’t be a bad idea for romance roles –Ademoye Aisha Abimbola

‘I love to show off my curves’
Ademoye Aisha Abimbola, 24, does a whole lot. She is an entrepreneur, a model, a fashion designer and an actress. When she is less busy, she sells human hair and dresses she designed. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS she talked about life as an actress, a model and an entrepreneur.
If you were not into acting, what would you have opted for?
I would have been an entrepreneur, which already I am. I have envisaged myself sitting behind a desk, maybe in a corporate firm. Not that I don’t respect people who do that. But I’m just too restless to do morning to evening jobs.
A bit on you educational background?
I graduated from Covenant University Ota, Ogun State where I studied Business Administration.

What thrills you most about what you do as an actress?
What thrills me the most I would say is being somebody else and not having to apologize for it. And on top of it, you get paid for it. So, acting is a passion for me.
What has acting taken from you?
Well so far, acting has taken me away from my family and loved ones. But thankfully they understand. I’m used to being home with my family watching movies or just catching up. But these days, I’m usually on set. I only pray it’s all worth it at the end of the day.
What prize have you paid to get to where you are now?
I would say I have not paid a prize so far. God has been awesome to me by bringing good people my way. People who just want to help boost my career free of charge. Though some wanted something but I was disciplined enough to turn them down.
Name some movies you have starred in and the ones that shot you to the lime light?
I have acted in a few movies and I would say none of them shot me to the limelight, though not trying to sound ungrateful. But the one I would say gave me mileage and helped me get other jobs is ‘Plus 234’ a  TV series by Soji Ogunnaike and another one titled ‘It’s About Your Husband’ by Uduak Isong Ogumanam. But, generally the movies I have done are ‘Desperate House Girl’ by Iroko TV, ‘Where Talent Lies’, ‘Reciprocity’, ‘Hush’ By Africa Magic amongst others. None has been challenging so far. I would love to be stretched further maybe because I’m obsessed with acting. I feel like I can knock any role out.
Relieve your first experience on a movie set?
My first experience was horrible (laughs). It was a Yoruba movie set and there was no script, no accommodation, no transportation whatsoever. The director would come on set and explain a scenario verbally and expect you to knock it out. It was really weird for me. After that day, I never went back.
What lesson has life taught you as an actress?
Life has taught me to be patient no matter what I could be going through. People would disrespect you, some would treat you nicely, some would act like they got your back while some would out rightly show that they are not into you. You just have to be calm, keep your head up, focus on what you are there to do and know you are the only one in your own army.
What if in the nearest future your hubby says you should quit acting, would you oblige him?
First of all he wouldn’t get to the stage of being my hubby if he doesn’t support my career. For me, acting isn’t just a career,  it’s a passion, it’s my life. When I’m not acting, a part of me isn’t complete. Sometimes I take free jobs just because I want to act. So, if a man comes and says I should quit all of that, then I don’t think we should be together.
What have you done to give back to the society?
So far, I wouldn’t say I have done anything extra ordinary. But I try as much as I can to help someone everyday. It could be in kind or in cash. I could just teach a group of kids what acting is all about in my own knowledge.
What is your life philosophy?
My life philosophy is: when you want to aim, aim beyond the stars so even if you fall, you fall among the stars and always strive hard no matter how tough things get and believe in yourself. For a smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.
Who would you like to be paired with to interpret a romance role very well?
We have lots of amazing actors out there so it would be difficult to choose (laughs). But John Dumelo wouldn’t be a bad idea if you want me to be specific.
Define your style?
My style is simple and chic. I’m a little vain so whatever I wear has to fit like a glove because I love to show off my curves. Be it a pair of jeans or a dress, it must be very fitted.
What fashion item  forms a large part of your wardrobe?
That could be shoes. I’m obsessed with shoes and fitted dresses. From bandage to body-con to cashmere material, I love them long, short, T-length. They are very easy to wear as well.
Fashion covers flaws and flaunts your hot sides. What part of your body would you consider hot?
My waist! It’s very tiny and attracts attention in most places I go. Also, my hips are wider than my waist hence giving me a good figure. I hereby say thanks to my mum because  I got those features from her.
Naughtiest thing you have ever done?
I don’t think I have any naughtiest thing story to share with you. I’m a very reserved person. If I’m not on set I’m home with my family sleeping or watching a movie. I have only gone clubbing once or twice in my entire life. So, I would say I have been a good girl so far because daddy is watching (winks and giggles).

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