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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Seeing smiles on the faces of people I touched their lives makes me fulfilled-Evangelist Amaka Anakwe

‘Do you want to end it all ‘cos’ of hopeless situation? Suicide is not an option'

Take a closer look at her pictures, do you recognize her?  She used to be Chief Princess Amaka Anakwe, the (Adaigbo 1 na Nollywood). Did you say wow? Oh yes she is the one. She is now Evangelist Amaka Anakwe ever since she had the calling of God in her life. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, this Abatete, Idemili North L. G.A of Anambra State born reaches out to women who are on the verge of commit suicide because of hopeless situations.

'No man becomes great without difficult times’

More about yourself?
 I was born into Anakwe dynasty and I happen to be the eight child of my Parents (Late Chief John Okechukwu Anakwe) and (Mrs Helen Anakwe).  I'm a humanitarian, a social Activist who is so passionate about the good of the people, I'm a founder Corporate Social Responsibility Africa Awards(COSRAA) and CEO Afripillars Integrated Services, an organization that has positioned itself to do a lot of good to Africa. I believe that Africa will be good if we all can take our social responsibility serious, for this reason I initiated Corporate Social Responsibility Africa Awards, aimed at honouring Africans that are doing good in Africa, the 2nd leg of this Awards will take place next year by the grace of God. I still do what I  do but now for God as a missionary.

What are you busy with at the moment?
 Recently, I partnered with Bimmed Medical Foundation Inc. New York, to be carrying out free medical/mission outreach in poor communities in Nigeria and hopefully Africa, we have done two already (one was  in Anambra and the other one was in Lagos). We have two more to do before the year ends and continue next year. I plan to join it with feed-the-poor scheme which I've already started doing. My first was in Ghana and my intention was to reach out to as many communities as I could. When I did it in Adwase, Kumasi Ghana, the turnout was great as over 150 children came out.  This became a big motivation for me. Then of course, sending children of the less privileged to school is part of what I plan to do. I have no reason doing this, it's just who I am and God's calling upon my life. He called me to serve in His vineyard, so I'm only carrying out my duty as a messenger of God.
Initially it was fun for so many Nigerian ladies to proudly say they have hope in our country Nigeria. You said so in one of the press interviews I had with you in the time past. Do you still feel same way?
As a Christian, we always hope for the best, but the situation in Nigeria now calls for a serious rethink, a peaceful dissolution will do us a lot of good, so that the spilling of the innocent blood will stop and our resources will be better managed. My dream is for Africa to take the center stage in the global economy but we can't achieve this with the way our youths are being massacred.  I mean they are the leaders of tomorrow and they have what it takes to take us there but look around Africa, youths are being killed in numbers on a daily basis and nothing is being done about it, it breaks me but there is hope.
What actually makes you a fulfilled woman?
 Seeing smiles on the faces of people I touched their lives, this is just one priceless thing I cannot exchange with anything in the world. Let me simply put it this way, breaking new grounds and touching lives, without these I feel incomplete.
Some Nigerians have opted for suicide when they are confronted with terrible, shameful and hopeless situations in the battle field of life. Can you reach out to some who are contemplating ending it all due to one acidic problem or the other?
If there's anybody who has seen battles of life, I tell you it's me so I'm not going to tell you what I've not experienced or that I don't feel or understand your pains but please suicide is not the answer, no man becomes great without passing through difficult times. Gold is tried by fire, tough times may come but it doesn't last, only tough people do. If you feel you cannot handle it alone, please seek help, when you speak out, you will find solution. God is there to help you, He said, He is with us always. Do not be afraid to try again and again, go at it each time with God and believe you me, solution will come, problems are like phases, and like a phase, each will pass. Please do not kill yourself, think of your loved ones and the people who your turn around story will change their lives for good, always be strong and in the end, it will all turn to glory.
What do you do to get back your grove when you are down?
When I'm down, I seek solace in my Bible or I dance. Then, listening to uplifting gospel music is a quick fix, it sure knows how to put my mood right,  and then my sister, once I chat with her, I'm fine! It used to be my Dad that made me happy when I chatted with him but my Dad is late now.
What are some of the things that put you off people?
First it is dishonesty!  I just can't stand people you cannot trust their words. Another one is use of vulgar words and irrelevant discussions are a no no to me and again arrogant and inconsiderate people.

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