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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Asaigbo Beauty Pageant has never encouraged body exposure-Prince Mike Akubueze, President Asaigbo Foundation

‘I use Asaigbo Beauty Pageant to promote Igbo cultures’
Prince Mike Akubueze, the president of Asaigbo Foundation and the organizer of the prestigious Asaigbo Beauty Pageant Nigeria is one person who loves to empower young women through what he does. A graduate of Imo State University, Owerri , where he started being active in social activities. “I was very visible in my school social activities then but my appetite and interest in beauty Pageantries and other numerous entertainments were later developed while I was in Europe where we organized some  international shows,” he enthused.  In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, he talked about his passion for beauty pageantry and his lifestyle.

‘I won't allow my daughters participate in  shows that will expose their body’

What exactly do you wish to use Asaigbo beauty pageant to promote?
 I want to use my pageant especially the winner to promote the cause of the girl child. It pains me so much whenever I see that poor innocent girls who ought to be in school are whiling away their time on the streets, hawking away their lives.
Why is Asaigbo Beauty Pageant unique?
Asaigbo is unique in the sense that we strive to use it to promote our culture especially Igbo cultures, traditions and way of life. I have been using the pageant to resuscitate Igbo language which is going extinct . During the pageant, we use Igbo language throughout. We believe that if we succeed in making these ladies proud  speakers of Igbo language, they would maintain it and when they marry no matter where they live or the tribes of their husbands, they would  be bold to reach out to their children in Igbo language.
How do you see beauty queens sprouting out on the run way in bikinis that expose their vitals?
   Asaigbo Beauty Pageant has never encouraged, supported or engaged in body exposure during or after our pageant.  As a matter of fact, Asaigbo Beauty Pageant is a cultural pageant devoid of any body exposure . We don’t welcome bikinis of any type. In fact, no swim suit pageant .Our contestants only appear on cultural/native attires and long dinner gown. Reason is that as a father, I won't allow my daughters to participate in any show that will expose their vitals to the public and as such I won't condone or encourage my models to expose their body.
Can you reach out to commissioners of Youths and Culture on the importance of keeping beauty queens gainfully busy?
Not only commissioners of youth and culture but I will advise governance in all level , from the presidency through different ministries that have a thing or the other to do with the youth and cultures ,to the office of the first Lady down to Local government authorities to key into the lofty ideas of these Queens and partner with them in their numerous pet projects to put  smiles on the faces of the less privilege in the society.
For instance , each year, an Asaigbo Queen  will choose a pet project that she will use to assist either the widows, the girl - child, beggars, Cancer or HBP patience as the case may be. So in essence ,I suggest and advise our government ,NGOs and corporate organizations to partner with these Queens so as  to make the world a better place
What words do you have for some beauty queens who choose not to do anything but sit and lazy about?
If after emerging as Asaigbo Queen and you choose to be redundant, we will just help you to remain redundant by dethroning you. No two ways about that!
Luckily for us ,we have been blessed to have hard working models emerged as Asaigbo Queens .
I think we were able to achieve this because we made them understand the ethos, aims and objectives of Asaigbo before they emerge as Queens. So, this helps in shaping their mindset to be the Queen we want them to be.
Just to re-orientate the models and let them know that modeling is a lucrative and proud profession that can put food on the table and that is if taken seriously.
Lastly, if I have my way, I will abolish wearing of swim suits and bikinis in any Nigerian beauty Pageants because exposing ones body is alien to our culture .

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    I l
