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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mo Abudu is Forbes Africa’s Most Successful Woman.

Executive Chairman and CEO of Ebony Life TV, Africa’s first Global Black 
Entertainment and Lifestyle network,  Mo Abudu was announced on Thursday 
1 January, 2015 by Forbes  as Africa’s Most Successful Woman of The 

Mo, who has been described by international news outlets as ‘Africa’s 
Africa’, is keen in her resolve to rewrite Africa’s story.

In a recent interview with Mfonobong Nsehe of Forbes, she recounts her 
entrepreneurial journey and reflects on the lessons she has learned 
along the way.

Speaking on her entrepreneurial journey and lessons she has learned 
along the way, she said “This kind of afro-pessimism simply fuelled a 
burning, deep-seated desire in my subconscious to one day help to 
rewrite the African story; to get people to talk about the issues that 
affect our society and to tell the African narrative in a contemporary 
and interesting way; to change the perception the world had of us; to 
let the world know that in spite of our challenges as a developing 
continent, Africans are not a bunch of savages but mostly a breed of 
gifted and remarkable people.”

Also recently honoured with a Doctorate degree at Babcock University, 
spoke at MIPCOM 2014's Global Channel Distribution Day at Auditorium 
Esterel, Palais des Festivals.
“Anyone who wishes to be an entrepreneur must know that bright ideas are 
great, however, they are not even half of the work; execution is 
everything. Yes, as the saying goes, ‘there is nothing more powerful 
than an idea whose time has come’, but when that time comes, you must be 
prepared to bleed sweat, tears and blood to bring your ideas to life.”  
Mo Abudu responded, when asked to give an advice to people who will like 
to follow her entrepreneurial footsteps.

She continued saying, “For women, never ever see your gender as a 
handicap. Never think yourself inferior. Be ready to do twice the work 
for half the usual reward. When the door isn’t opened, kick down the 
door. Take the regular harassment and other obstacles women face in 
stride. In fact, be prepared for them. Be prepared to be told off, to be 
told you are not good enough, to go unrewarded for even doing the same 
work your male counterpart has done. Work with your passion, let it 
consume and drive you. Do not be distracted. On down days, it will keep 
you going. Also, surround yourself with like minds. In fact, you should 
exhaustively curate those who will go along with you on your journey. I 
can’t say that enough.”

Other women who have been listed in past are Divine Ndhlukula, Founder 
and Managing Director of SECURICO, one of Zimbabwe’s largest security 
companies, Khanyi Dhlomo, a 36- year-old South African media mogul, 
unconventional visionary, and a builder of big dreams.

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