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Sunday, January 18, 2015

                 What Nuella Njubuigbo does whenever she has a heart break.

    Heart break is painful, no doubt. And such a pain is no respecter of persons, sex, age or class. it can barely befall anybody and once it happens, it takes sometime to heal depending on the victim and on how the person handles it.
                   But who knows exactly what Nuella Njubuigbo does whenever she has a heart break? Has this Nollywood beauty ever experienced what it means for ones heart to be broken for once?
 "Of course, I have had my own share of heartbreak and I am sure I have also broken some people's hearts without being aware of it. That is life for you. You break some people's hearts and they break yours in return. So, I have experienced heartbreak before. It is painful once it happens but I normally do one or two things to wriggle out of the pains. So, when I had a heartbreak, the first thing I did was to believe in myself, realizing that I would have a better tomorrow. I also old myself over and over again that I was going to get what I deserved since the person that broke my heart failed to know my worth. he didn't value what he had, so something or somebody that would value me that knows my onions would come. I kept telling myself that what I deserved would come. This confessions helped me heal faster" she said.
                           Nuella said anybody can have a heartbreak including the so-called stars. "Heartbreak happens everywhere but because we are celebrities, ours ring a louder bell", she said, on final note.

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