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Friday, June 12, 2015

I would love to be paired with Alex Ekubo one of Nigeria’s finest lover-boy on TV for romance roles-Shiba Gotting.

There is no style I can’t wear -Shiba Gotting

Your first glimpse of Shiba Gotting will tell you she is an actress. This extrovert loves facing the camera and meeting people. She, however, studied Mass Communication at the University of Jos but opted for showbiz because of the passion she has for it. In this interview with Adaeze Amos, she unfolds her lifestyle, among others.

When did your passion for acting start?
My passion for acting started when I was nine years old after starring in a movie entitled ‘After School Hours’. I did it so well that people who saw the movie thought I had been acting before that age. My lines were well delivered. That was when I knew that I was caught out to be an actress.

Which role brought you into the limelight?
‘Bege’ was the movie that brought me out because it was educative and people really loved my role. I played the part of Fatima Adamu, who happened to be a sickle cell anemia patient. The movie was so interesting that many people watched it so as to receive lectures on how to avoid making same mistakes Fatima Adamu's parents made. The whole story centred on Fatima.

Tell us some of the movies you have starred.
I have starred in ‘Snake Man’, ‘Agafe’ (Man of Sin), ‘weet Banana’, ‘Vanished’, ‘Clash of Madness’, ‘So Wrong So Wright’, ‘Tales of Eve’, ‘Good Neighbours’ and ‘New Main Street’. These are the few I can remember off hand.

Can you relive your first time on a movie set?
That was in 1997 when I featured in ‘After School Hours’. I was a bit jittery as that was my first time in a movie. I was on set with popular Nollywood actors; their presence alone was intimidating but because that was what I had always loved to do, I had to summon up courage and deliver my lines well.

Which was the most challenging of your roles?
‘New Main Street’ was most challenging because I played the role of ‘Maimuna’, a pregnant woman whose only job was to meddle in her friend's family affairs by advising her never to use condom when she wants to sleep with her man. Her belief was that the earlier a woman starts making children, the better. She was just ignorant and mouthy.

Did anyone ever encourage you to go into acting?
No one did; it was all my decision because I knew that I have the talent. I have got the good looks and hot brains to deliver my lines with ease. So, what else do I need!

What was the craziest thing a male fan had ever done to you?
Stalking me; this particular guy was all over my phone, face book, twitter, instagram.  He was calling me every now and then. In fact, it was so much that I had to quickly change my phone line.

What was that movie role you regretted interpreting and?
None that I can remember for now! I have never regretted interpreting any role…not at any time in my life.

Which role would you turn down no matter the amount at stake?
I would turn down a movie role where I would have to go nude before the camera. Even if it would be to edit the film, but how about the camera men? I won't accept such a movie script. I would turn down such a role no matter, I repeat, no matter the amount at stake.

What did you do to disentangle yourself from the pains of heartbreak when you had it?
It wasn't easy. I cried for weeks. I later told myself that it wasn't worth dying for. I was encouraged by telling myself that I wasn't the one at a loss. Immediately, I decided to bury all my sad feelings and face my career. And now my career is worth every attention I gave it.

Who would you love to be paired in a romance role?
I would love to be paired with Alex Ekubo because he is one of Nigeria’s finest lover-boy on TV.

What exactly thrills you about your acting career?
What thrills me most is how quick I catch lines and interpret the roles as if it's my life story.  Sometimes I ask myself, is that really me.

What memorable experience do you have about your acting career?
My most memorable experience in the industry was when I did a movie called ‘Agafe’. This was because I didn't know how to swim and my character had to do with diving into the pool for a swim. I even had to dive into the deep section of the pool. I won’t forget that experience in a hurry.

What is it Nollywood that gets on your nerves?
What gets on my nerves is the fact that a movie producer may have the actors he would like to use in his movies. And he is calling for auditioning. What for? He just wants people to come and waste their time. That puts me off.

What lesson has life taught you?
Life has taught me never to trust anybody so easily again. I did it before and regretted. I know people would say it’s a normal thing, it happens all the time, but believe me I have seen betrayal. I have experienced and conquered it. It's when you trust too much that you get betrayed.

What is your life philosophy?
My philosophy of life is to be myself at all times no matter the situation.

What puts you off men?
I don't like men who brag, who are so full of themselves. When a man brags about little or nothing, that puts me off.

What do you think life without fashion would have been?
Life without fashion would have been a place full of many colours, with stupid combination of madness.

Can you define your style?
My style is elegant and unique.

What is that fashion item you cannot wear?
Honestly, I doubt there is anything I cannot wear. I am an entertainer and as such I have to keep people guessing about my next move. If I say I can't wear a particular style of dress and later it's seen on me, that makes me a liar. An entertainer can never say no when it comes to creative expression through dressing.

What part of your body would you flaunt proudly?
My legs, because they are hot, smooth, with no spot. They are sexy, attractive and of course irresistible.

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