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Friday, June 12, 2015

‘There’s less nudity, ladies now dress properly’

Temitope Olanre-Alade is a style enthusiast that cannot be ignored. She can’t be caught shabbily dressed. Aside from being a fashionista who trains others on how to sew in her fashion school, she is also the Secretary General of Fashion Designers’ Association of Nigeria. In this interview with ADAEZE AMOS, she talks about today’s style and what Nigerian ladies have done best of late.

What is Ibile Vogue Academy all about?
It is a cosmopolitan fashion and clothing line, of Nigerian brand that makes the African culture global in the fashion world. That is what I have been doing for over a decade and it has been great. At a point, we had industrial training, because people started admiring what I do and they came en masse to be trained. That was how I started training people. I then went ahead to do some training programmes for myself to be well equipped, I would say that I do not only have the passion to train but also the zeal to be trained adequately in what I do. So, Ibile Vogue Academy has been doing well. All has been good.

You are a member of Fashion Designers’ Association of Nigeria, FADAN; what position do you hold in the organisation?
I’m the National Secretary General of FADAN. It is the only fashion body recognised by the Federal Government. It is an umbrella where every professional designer has a voice to be sure that professional ethics can be observed in our industry. It is also a forum where fashion designers can come together to make more things happen well the way we want it. We have been able to push certain rights to the government, urging banks to help the organisation. We are into the business of promoting fashion shows where buyers can actually come and purchase what they desire to from the right sources.

Being a fashionista and a designer that sets the pace in the fashion world, what really inspires your style when you are set to dress up for a glamorous event?
I like to stand out in a very subtle way. That is a key for me. You know you can actually stand out but it would be very unpleasant to the eyes or unpleasant to decent-minded people who would be wondering what really you are putting on and why you should wear such outfit. But, for me I like to stand out in a subtle way bearing sophistication in mind. I would like to attract attention at such events which I believe is the dream of every woman.

Why do you want to be noticed at events?
I want to be noticed because I want to sell. I want you to notice what I’m putting on so that you will like it and I can sell to you.  It is basically for that and nothing else. It boils down to business at the end of the day.

Can you now define you style?
My style is glamorous, sexy and comfortable.

Where do you think ladies are not getting it right in fashion?
I think one of the major issues here is that we don’t understand our body. You should know your body and adorn it accordingly. As a seasoned fashion designer, I do tell my clients to be mindful of their body structure first before opting for any style. The style I can wear and rock it well, another lady may opt for and it may not come out well on her. So, we need to understand what works for our body. But this does not rule out the fact that Nigerian women are very fashionable. But knowing what suits us and sticking to it has been a problem. It’s only a few women that have discovered their own secret signature style so much that when people see them without waiting to see their faces, they would recognised at once.
Another point I will like to hammer on is that ladies who have big boobs shouldn't be seen in tops that have frills on the chest area because you are already endowed there. Likewise, women whose hips are big, avoid dresses that would create elaborate attention on your hips because there is nothing to add there. Nature has given you enough.

Have you noticed that ladies have reduced the half-nakedness kind of dressing that was once the fad of the moment?
Yes, I have also noticed that. A lot of ladies now dress properly, having what ought to be covered well covered. I think I give kudos to men for this because they are the ones that helped to fight for change. So many men started talking and condemning it. So, when ladies discovered that responsible men go for ladies who are properly dressed not revealing their body, they started changing. I'm happy about that.

What thrills you more about fashion?
It is the colours in the fashion world that thrill me. When I see ladies who are well dressed with their colours blended, I'm happy about that. So, I can say I love bold, vibrant colours. My best colours are orange and green. Orange inspires a lot; it is a colour that whets your appetite to dress even better. Then for green, it is the colour of nature, vegetation, jungle, of life.

How do you think the world would look like without fashion?

I don’t want to think about it because it is unthinkable. The world would be bleak, dull and lifeless without fashion.

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