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Friday, June 12, 2015

Life has taught me not to be too trusting -Bola Mojeed, actress

Bola Mojeed studied Mass Communication at Lagos State Polytechnic, LASPOTECH, but took to acting because of the passion she has for it. In this interview with Adaeze Amos, she speaks about the movies she had featured in and what life has taught her, among others.

When and why did you go into acting?
I'm an actress because I have passion for acting, and my happiest moment is when I'm in front of the camera interpreting roles, playing out other people’s character and making it look like mine. For me, that’s thrilling. I pray that in future I will be one of the international actresses.

With passion for acting, why didn't you study Theatre Arts?
I studied Mass Communication at the Lagos State Polytechnic. I wished I studied Theatre Arts because that is what I'm into right now and I'm happy that I'm a known actress. At least with over 20 movies I have starred in, my fans easily recognise me and remember some of my roles.

Is there any role you would turn down?
I have not really seen any. I'm a versatile actress and as such can interpret every role perfectly.

Which of your movies brought you into the limelight?
It’s true that I'm in the limelight already but not as much as I would have loved to be. There are really some hotter movies I had starred in that would have brought me more fame. But most of those movies are not yet out.

Who would you love to be paired with to interpret romance?
Any good actor goes for me. I can’t stand an actor that wouldn't know when to talk and keep mum for me to respond. So, I would love to be paired with any good actor. Since acting is make-believe, it’s not compulsory I choose a guy I admire.

You said you are a versatile actress that can interpret every role, does that also include nude roles?
I was expecting you to ask this and you did. Thank God you did so that I can clear the air here. I won’t be able to interpret nude or sex roles because they wouldn't speak well of me. I don't think the audience out there will appreciate it.

What aspect of your career do you enjoy so much?
I love the making of movies, movie locations and what happens behind the camera. All these can be fun. This includes the travelling aspect.

What thrills you as a woman?
Everything about being a woman thrills me. Remember the popular saying that ‘behind every successful man is a brilliant woman’. This means that men dominate successfully due to the knowledgeable support of women in their lives. That is what trills me as a woman.

Does this mean you would love to come back as a woman if you were to relive your life?
Yes, I would like to come back as a woman because I love the role women take in the society, homes and anywhere they find themselves.

Can you relive your first time on a movie set?
Seriously, I was nervous or anxious. But despite all that I was able to deliver and interpret my role well. 

Tell us some movies you have starred in.
Some of my movies I can remember off hand are ‘Sababi’, ‘Oloku Ada’, ‘Inu Ati Etu’, ‘Opalaba’, ‘Okunkun’, ‘Minaj’, ‘Ibudo’ and ‘Ore’, Others are ‘Ojowu’, ‘Oba Getto’, ‘Ewe Iyeye’, ‘Kirakita’, ‘Okoowo’, ‘Loogun Ofe’, ‘Garigari’ and so on.

Who are those in the movie world you admire?
I admire Femi Brainard, Antar Laniyan and Afeez Eniola

Who lured you into acting?
Halima Abubakar and Toyin Aiyemakun lured me into the movie world with their acting prowess.

What are those lapses in the movie world you would want to talk about?
The only major lapse I would like to point out here is piracy. For the rest, I would like to keep it in my mind for now maybe because I haven't got to the peak of Nollywood yet.

When you had a heartbreak, what did you do right to wriggle out of the pains?
I tried as much as possible to avoid being alone. I was always in the midst of friends, family or loved ones.

What are the qualities of your ideal man?
My ideal man would be handsome and a God-fearing.

What is your life philosophy?
Do onto others as you will want them do onto you. This philosophy guides me in everything I do.

What lesson has life ever taught you?
Life has taught me not to trust anyone. Also, if I'm fortunate in helping people, I would do it without expecting any reward from them but from God.

What puts you off people?

When you are down, what do you do to be inspired?
I listen to music and chat up with one or two people close to me.

Aside from acting, what else do you do for a living?
For now, it's acting alone but with time, I would love to go into clothing business.

What do you think life would have been without fashion?
Oh my God, life would have been damn boring without fashion.

 Can you define your style?
 My style is simple.

What fashion accessory forms a larger part of your wardrobe and what style item won't you be seen wearing?

Shoes dominate my wardrobe. I won’t be seen in bikini because it will expose my body so much given my kind of person.

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