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Monday, March 07, 2016

‘Life has been unfair to me’

A model
This story of Sandra is one that touches the heart.  She narrated her story starting right from the time she was in secondary school to the time she was ripe for marriage, got married and decided to come back to her parents’ village home because of some unforeseen circumstances.
Sandra finished her secondary education at 19 and started trying her luck to secure admission into one of the universities or higher institutions in the country but luck wasn’t on her side. She finally went to do a pre degree course at College of Agriculture Umuagwo, Now Federal Polytechnic Umuagwo in Imo state. “I was enrolled into the department of preliminary studies so that I could  opt for one of the main courses in the institution. But after some months, I ran away from school, forfeiting all my things. That was when Theo my boyfriend, a second year Agronomy student in the same institution also fled. It was said that one of the school cults was seriously looking for him, threatening to deal with him because he was the Capone of an opponent cult. So, while they were looking for him, he sent message to me through his cousin that I should find a way to escape else I would be kidnapped and dealt with. That was why I ran for my dear life,” she recalled.

That was how Sandra eloped with just her handbag, leaving behind the rest of her things in her room in the hostel. She never came back to that school. “And I never saw Theo again. I came home and lived with my parents who bombarded me with questions concerning my school. But I told different lies so that I would be left alone. At a time, I was left alone when I enrolled into one school of music that was closer to my house. I was now keen in perfecting my singing skill and I was strictly into gospel songs. I was honestly enjoying it and later had a band of my own. I started making some little money from gospel music because my band was being invited to perform in events and that fetched me money. I was so occupied with my gospel music work that I didn’t see it necessary to go back to school. Moreover I was scared to go back to the same school where I fled from,” she said.
Sandra later met Eugene, also a gospel artiste. “I met him at one of the events I was invited to perform. He too had a band of his own but he was more popular than me.  Before we parted that day, we exchanged phone numbers and addresses. And that marked the beginning of a relationship that later culminated to a serious affair. He never told me a lie about himself. He told me how  he dropped out of secondary school when he was in class three immediately after the death of his father and concentrated on music. He was the leader of their church choir and that was how he started. His good voice had taken him to so many places outside the country before he even started a band of his own. When we started dating, we had to come together. We brought our bands together and performed together. We became so popular that once we dropped a music/video single, it sold like hot cake . God blessed us financially through music,” she enthused.
When Eugene and Sandra got married, their wedding was like a funfair of a sort. “So many gospel artistes came and guests who came danced and danced until they were tired. Guests refused to leave the wedding hall even when the wedding was over because the gospel artistes refused to let go. They continued performing to impress my husband who was like a boss to them. My wedding was the talk of the whole town. Two months after my wedding I became pregnant. Carried my pregnancy till term and when my water broke, I went to the hospital where I was registered, same hospital where I had my antenatal clinic.
“When my doctor examined me, he told me that though my water had broken but I should not leave the hospital. That I would be on admission where I would be receiving some medications so that I wouldn’t be infected since my water had broken. When I stayed till evening and I had no contraction, I just sneaked out of the hospital and went home. I did that because the doctor was a good friend of my husband, so I felt he wouldn’t query me much,” she recalled
 Four days later, Sandra came back to the same hospital having severe contractions. That was when she observed ‘Show’ on her panties and she was brought back to the hospital carrying her bag where the things she would be needed for labour was packed. But the mistake of sneaking out of the hospital even when she was admitted cost her a great lot.
To be continued      
Re: I regret marrying my mum’s boyfriend’
Dear Veronica,

You are already legally married to Ignatius, who took over responsibility of you, your younger sister and mum, after the death of your father.  Your father died when you were just 12. He sponsored your education to the university level, still sponsoring your sister's university education.  He rented accommodation for three of you in Lagos when he was transferred there and have been tremendously kind and loving.

Veronica, do not regret or entertain any fear that she might be sleeping with your mum secretly.  Your mum is living in the boys quarters, while your sister stays in the guest room. Please develop strong affection, intimacy and love for your husband.  Discard fear and regret.  I am optimistic that in a short while children will start coming and you will eventually move to your own freehold house.  Your mum is there to protect your interest, however, caution your sister to concentrate on her education and should not lure or seduce your husband, in any form.  She will eventually get a lover and a good husband.


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