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Monday, March 07, 2016

I’ve contributed enough to women empowerment –Siaka Nimat

March 8 is set aside every year by the United Nations, UN, to mark the International Women’s Day. It is a date earmarked to recognise the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women the world over. Kogi State-born Siaka Nimat, a sociologist and coordinator/founder of Mama Africa Global, a non-governmental organisation, says she is fully ready to be honoured as a woman because she has contributed her quota to the empowerment of women. “I initiated an NGO which centres on the affairs of women. I started this because of my selfless passion for women of like minds and the way and manner some women around me suffer low self esteem, discrimination, marital iproblems, molestation and maltreatment from the male folk including their husbands. I have always been a spokesperson for women. I am an advocate of better change for women in my country. And I’m always aiming at sensitising people’s mindset positively for women,” she affirmed.

This certified project manager and the present ‘Miss Curvy Nigeria, Tourism’, is happy that March is the month that women all over the world are remembered and celebrated. “I thank God that the UN actually set aside this month to celebrate us. This makes me feel special and unique. I’m excited for this really because women have come a long way. We are like the salt of the world and as long as we exist, the world would never be boring. “The unique sides of us are unbeatable and of course we have unimaginable strength. It is true that we are referred to as the weaker vessels but I believe people just say it. I see that as mere assumption. Women are actually not the weaker vessels if you look at it critically. I thank God that such an assumption has never in any way affected my visions and dreams in life.
I am strong, I feel good and I see myself taking charge without limitations. This is also applicable to so many other women,” she declared. To mark the International Women’s Day, Nimat asserts that Nigerian women all over the country deserve a special song, just to celebrate us. “We deserve a national anthem for Nigerian women. We need a special song that would encourage, empower and shower encomiums on us…song that would dry our tears if need be and give us stamina to forge ahead. I think we need to look into this, really. Let female artistes come together, put their heads together and give us an anthem that every Nigerian woman should know how to sing off hand,” she said excitedly. To women who feel unfulfilled for having all female children, this black beauty has some words.
“Having female children and no male isn’t a limitation at all. All you need do is to train your daughters well and I bet you they would even make you proud the more. Know that a male or female child is a good gift from God; so value what you have,” she counseled. According to Nimat, Nigerian women are doing very well even in the fashion industry. “In the fashion world, I’m proud to say that women are endowed with unique and innovative styles that bring out our sweet and beautiful body frames. Nature has already endowed us with a good body, all we need now is for us to be empowered because to women, empowerment is like refuelling a vehicle. Empowerment takes us back on track, reminds us of our plans, visions and dreams. “It energises and pushes zeal or passion into us. That would also put in more power into focused women,” she said.
To women who have been battered and maltreated in their marriage, this daughter of Zion used this special month to share some soothing words: “Never feel discouraged or disappointed, never have any reason to regret any action or steps taken because there is always a second chance in life while we live. So, keep your heads high, shoulders up, trust God and strive hard to bring out the best in you,” she urged. What’s the best thing that has ever happened to her? “Knowing and realising the great privilege of being a real woman who has the capability of creating a world of our own because women are life’s sweeteners. Without us the world will be tasteless. We give birth to both men and women. So, there wouldn’t have been life without us. This very factor makes us super beings,” she said. Nimat has indeed made great contributions to womanhood.
“I was crowned a beauty queen on October 18, 2015 and ever since then I have kicked off my pet project. I have been able to visit some orphanages and I provided them with foodstuff and gifts just to show them love. Sometime in January this year, I travelled to Niger State to partake in rice farming mechanisation empowerment project which was sponsored by the United Nations. I encouraged and motivated women of the community to be serious as farmers just as men are because what a man can do a woman can do even better,” Nimat emphasised.

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