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Monday, May 23, 2016

Actress Ifu Ennada’s success soars

....says she will make it to Hollywood this year!

Ifu Ennada, a celebrity does a whole lot. She is the CEO of Ennada Fitness, an actress, Content Creator/Producer,  a song writer and singer. This duchess of beauty who  is hard working is  joyful at the moment. God in His infinite mercies has remembered this rising star. Guess what? She had been nominated for the Best Young/Promising Actor of 2016 by Africa Movies Academy Awards (AMAA) because of her role in a movie titled O-Town. Speaking to the energetic lady she revealed the nomination came to her as a huge surprise.  "When my producer, Oge Obasi, broke the news to me, I almost didn't believe her, but the proof  was there, she attached a link to the juicy news and I couldn't doubt the information. I asked myself so AMAA could remember me? Oh my God!  I'm grateful to God," she giggled.
‘Women should remain hard working; there is positive reward in hard work’
The Emerald star said her life is already changing since that big announcement by AMAA. "You might not believe this, but my life has experienced changes since AMAA announced me as a nominee. Several producers/casting directors have contacted me for jobs, In fact some have already sent me scripts and have requested meetings for negotiations. Everyone suddenly knows me. I've received uncountable calls and messages from well wishers around the world. AMAA just changed my life for good. This is the result of hard work and divine favour. I hereby encourage women to be hard working and never relent because there is positive reward in hard work," she enthused.
Speaking on her preparation to attend the award she said she has already picked out a dress for the award ceremony and that she has already started preparing a speech in case she is announced the winner. "I have gotten the official letter of invitation from AMAA, I'm expected to be in Port Harcourt for the prestigious award ceremony, which will take place on June 11,2016. As I speak to you now, I've mentally picked out a dress I'm wearing to the event. In fact two dresses! One for the red carpet and the other for  after party. I have many red carpet worthy dresses I've never won and they're appropriate for the award ceremony,” she said, excitedly.
This Computer Science graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, revealed  the projects she is working on. "This is such a good time to shoot my short film, which tells the story of a rape victim in a way.  It's not been told in this part of the world. I'm putting finishing touches to the screenplay which I wrote and I'm already assembling the cast. I'm also launching a product under my fitness company and I'm currently reconstructing my website EnnadaLeads.Com to be the utmost platform for women. You know I have a lot of passion for music? I'm also a song writer and singer. It's always been my dream to be on world stages, singing and dancing my heart out, and I intend to do something about that dream this year. Plans is already in motion. God willing, I'll make it to Hollywood this year! Seriously, this nomination by AMAA is all God's doing. If he can do this, taking me to Hollywood is nothing! I have a number of things I'm working on, I pray for wisdom and strength from God to accomplish them,” she stressed.
Did you ask her relationship status considering the fact she has  never been involved with anyone since she hit the limelight? " Haa, relationship?  You know love relationships are very scary? I mean you put yourself out there and you decide to be true with someone, regardless of your vulnerability, but they don't always turn out to be right for you. Well, I'm currently not seeing anyone. Honestly, I'm not interested in dating at this time.  I will eventually be someone's wife or fiancée someday.  I believe God will fix that, but right now, there's no one. Even if there was someone, you won't know o. I like love matters private. Trust me, you don't want the world snooping around your relationship. It’s always better when the attention is on your career and other affairs but not love relationship."
The spirited actress ended with loads of gratitude to AMAA, but mostly to God who she says is responsible for her successes. She encouraged her fans and everyone who is working hard to make God their everything in life. "I want to thank AMAA for this privilege to be called  AMAA nominee and by God's Grace, African Movies Academy Award winner. It's a huge honour. I’m also reaching  out to every woman  reading this, please don't give up on your dreams and always make God your everything, trust me, God never fails and his Love for us is endless. Always remember that life is beautiful,” she enthused.

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