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Friday, May 20, 2016

I 've been told I have got catchy sexy eyes-Bola Victoria Adegbite, International Model Coach and Consultant

Amiable Bola Victoria Adegbite is one of the Nigerian ladies abroad  making her country proud. She is  a registered nurse, an ex beauty queen, an ex model and International Model Coach and Consultant who was based in New Zealand but now in Australia. She graduated from  “Manukau Institute  of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand. I did a certificate course in Healthcare from  Auckland University of Technology. Hence, I’m a registered Nurse  who is specialized on Operating Room. I did some post graduate papers at Auckland University as well. And I’m not done yet. I’m still hoping  to be a clothing designer  in the nearest  future. This is because I love fashion and I love to look good and glamorous as well,” she said, assuredly.

The regular slogan of this amazon is ‘life is a ride’. When asked to explain, it was easy to give a detailed explanation. “Well I so much believe in resilience. So, whatever happens in life, I believe it’s written to go through path! So, never let negativity bring you down, rather ride on the positive side of life,” she stressed.
Wonder why an ex-beauty queen like her opted for nursing abroad just as hazel-eyed  Regina Askia,  an ex-Nigerian beauty queen did? “I love my nursing life. It’s about saving life! Also my model/fashion side of me is my own way of giving back to the society. When I groom models by sharing my experience, knowledge and skills that I have gained through out the years for free, it’s a way of giving back to the society. This gives me much fulfillment and I don’t have regrets combining my nursing career with my model grooming consultancy,” she nodded.
To girls who are not very tall but dream  to be models, she has some words. “Well, that’s what some ladies think that they must be extremely tall before they become models. That’s a farce! I’m not that tall but I’m happy with my height and my looks. I thank God for creating me the way I am. I feel blessed and content. But ladies must know that fashion world has changed so much now. We have plus size models, short models, petite models and all that. During my time, I was not as tall as other fashion  models but I’m proud to achieve what I have achieved in my life and career. So, if you are wondering the attributes you must possess before you become a model, the major attribute is self confidence, always  be yourself at all times. Be kind to everyone including yourself. Do not try to be super model Naomi Campbell when you know your characters are different.  Also, if you are searching for a modeling agency, I encourage models to do their research so that they don’t fall into the hands of  fake agencies who would only take their money without offering jobs. Check online, ask around  and never fail to search on the goggle as well, “ she lectured.
Lesson life has taught her? “Whatever you focus on can surely come to pass. I said this because being a model or ex-beauty queen abroad  is challenging but I came over all odds  because I’m always me, not trying to be anybody else,” she enthused.
What makes this daughter of Adegbite the former Deputy Director Of Culture And Tourism, Nigeria happy  is that “I represent or portray the great image of Nigeria. I also thank Federal Ministry Of Information for giving me Stars Ambassador Award in 2014 in recognition of the transformation and portraying great image of Nigeria abroad. Thanks to Director Jimoh Lawal from the ministry,” she recalled.
This diva who is single but  not ready to mingle with anyone who is not her ideal man is cool with herself. “(laughs) My ideal man must have a good heart, he should be caring, loving,  both of us ready to  work as a team in the relationship not him alone. He should also be God fearing,” she said, as a matter of fact.
Bola is indeed very fashionable. Little wonder she has been able to keep the flag of fashion flying abroad. And she is well recognized as one the fashionistas in New Zealand who she grooms models to be super models. “I love fashion and that’s the fact. Then my personal style is classic but simple. I have been falling in love with Puma shoes and Nike lately. I got the Fenty by Rihanna,” she giggled.
Part of her body she considers hot? “I love every part of my body. I’m always told that I have got catchy sexy eyes and that makes me laugh though,” she said, finally.



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